Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [to-vb] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The bourgeoisie became a source of state functionaries as the sale of offices increased to pay for the ever-growing cost of armies .
2 A levy on each package in German shops helps to pay for a waste-collection system , which picks up potentially recyclable household rubbish and hands it back to producer organisations .
3 The extension of the franchise to all adults created a situation in which political parties had to compete for the mass vote and so had to organise the electorate to support their candidates at the polls .
4 The latter require injection or deposition at altitudes 50km to take advantage of the strong easterly winds needed to account for the observed geographical range of the phenomenon .
5 All of these elements had to compete for a limited number of unfilled vacancies in Mendeleev 's Periodic Table , like contestants in a game of cosmic musical chairs .
6 The contras ' new military commander , Israel Galeano ( who replaced Enrique Bermúdez , the organization 's nominal head , in early February ) , said , however , that the contras intended to wait for the formal handover of power before disbanding .
7 This course is designed to give graduates a sound grasp of the core material of management together with the specific knowledge and skills needed to prepare for a managerial career in the clothing industry .
8 Banks wishing to apply for an offshore banking licence were required to provide capital of US$1,600,000 plus an annual fee of $20,000 .
9 A week later , when the workers had to vote for the new Committee , most of the women voted for Karen .
10 Chief executive Mr Baker , 54 , saw his earnings increase from £135,911 to £383,935 while his workers had to settle for a 5.5 per cent wage rise .
11 There were still bits and pieces left to organize for the coming weekend , when she was hosting the first major social gathering of the new year .
12 Labourers began to scramble for the available employment ; unemployment increased ; while labourers still continued to anticipate marriage .
13 With the publication of the terms of Emancipation inflammatory pamphlets began to call for a mass uprising .
14 But delegates decided to opt for a scientific review of all amendments to the annex .
15 British Rail recently put fares up on the affected routes saying customers had to pay for the vast improvements they 'd made .
16 Only one of these studies attempted to control for the possible effects of changes in price volatility on volume , even though two of these studies ( and others ) found some evidence of a positive relationship between volatility and volume .
17 But when the money runs out and they ca n't afford to pay for any more care patients have to wait for the next financial year .
18 The mites tend to go for the smaller workers , probably because of their safer and passively fed lifestyle .
19 But given that Poidevin turned 33 just days before the World Cup final , will the national selectors prefer to look for a long-term leadership continuity as both Australia and England did when appointing Farr-Jones and Will Carling respectively ?
20 For example , contracts survive to pay for the regular cleaning of the bronzes in Roman temples and where statues are depicted as part of landscapes or street scenes on contemporary wall paintings they are always shown as bronze-coloured , never patinated ( plate 8.1 ) .
21 ‘ Not sure , really , though the little ones tend to go for the easy stuff .
22 Jordanova suggests that the search to define femininity by recourse to anatomy was a search for aesthetic and moral ideals at the same time ; she says of these models , ‘ The figures of recumbent women seem to convey for the first time the sexual potential of medical anatomy . ’
23 After that come more advanced techniques which students need to perform for the next grading .
24 XVT also rejects the claim that such ‘ generic ’ windowing systems have to opt for the lowest common denominator approach in choosing a subset of common functionality between all the windowing systems .
25 Indirect effects include : ( i ) reductions in the goods and services required to care for the sick ; ( ii ) increases in output resulting from freeing of resources previously used by healthy people to avoid sickness ; ( iii ) the output resulting from any population increase due to a rise in the birth rate , as might result from better health conditions ; ( iv ) any net output resulting from changes in attitudes and in social and political organisation that might be a consequence of better health conditions .
26 We understand that the two councils hope to apply for the necessary Order on the 28th of May .
27 Its close links with the English cathedrals had to wait for the Norman reorganization , which first made possible in England an absenteeism and pluralism on the German model .
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