Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [to-vb] from the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The SFO only becomes involved in cases where more than £1 million is involved , and most cases tend to come from the DTI .
2 The majority of funds tend to come from the banking sector , although commercial bills are also important .
3 Once more Margaret Seymour-Strachey 's words seemed to come from the front of her head , and to be as contradictory as words usually are when they do n't represent what one is really thinking about .
4 Finally the number of Steps needed to decelerate from the maximum stepping rate to zero must be estimated and the downcounter set to generate the DECELERATE signal when the system is that distance from the target .
5 You also notice that Sebadoh are n't afraid to improvise live and that they 're so prolific , perfectly-formed new songs seem to drop from the sky .
6 The time-travellers manage to escape from the Aridians and take off in the TARDIS , but the Dalek time-ship is in hot pursuit .
7 According to the conventional wisdom , successful presidential candidates had to come from the middle of the political spectrum .
8 Signals have to come from the top , ’ explains , ‘ and chief executives and managing directors have to be hearts and minds behind it . ’
9 On Jan. 3 eight opposition groups threatened to withdraw from the talks unless a complete report were presented at the next session on the disbanding of the security police and the disarming of former security officers .
10 For much of the interwar period and for some years after 1945 , the judges seemed to withdraw from the conflict or , when asked to intervene , tended to adopt a neutral position .
11 In the tenth century it was imagined to be an immemorial tradition that archbishops wishing to receive from the pope the ‘ pallium ’ , the scarf of lambs ' wool which set them apart as metropolitans and gave them their status over the rest of the bishops , should come to Rome in person to receive it .
12 Now the boatmen they used to erm the name , the family of a name of , and the old man , the grandfather his name was and then they had three sons who were boatmen , one was called Arthur John , one had a nickname of Snowball , the other one 's name was George and they used to er , some of them at times used to row from the lock gates out to the Cork Lightship together to get a boat , so they made sure of roping that boat in at , at er in the dock or at Cliff Quay and course they used to get the captain of the ship to sign er a bill and they used to take that to the , to the shipping agent and then he 'd pay 'em the money .
13 In her more recent works , avalanches of everyday objects seem to fall from the sky .
14 Vertical packages tend to be of a pioneering nature , whereas horizontal packages tend to result from the development of existing ideas .
15 Those unhappy with the " confessional " model , mostly in its Christian form , have over the years sought to escape from the dilemma — unconsciously or consciously — by subtracting from the equation of RE all that is controversial and likely to cause trouble .
16 As a result , half of the Saimaa Canal , which links the Gulf of Finland with Lake Saimaa ( Finland 's largest lake system ) , fell into Soviet hands and has since been cut off to yachts wishing to enter from the Baltic Sea .
17 Either the maquilas continue to buy from the United States and protect the jobs of US suppliers , or the maquilas buy in Mexico , and these jobs are lost .
18 Second , a related point , the class of hoplites ( technically , the ‘ zeugite ’ class ) and the class of thetes ( the lowest of the four census-ratings introduced by Solon in 594 ) were not opposed groups : on the contrary , both classes stood to gain from the demotion of the Areopagus .
19 The strongest evidence of awareness of the importance of analysing needs tended to come from the libraries with the most developed training programme , usually the larger libraries :
20 The ideas have to come from the facts .
21 Charles Tilly ( 1975 ) , in his introduction and conclusion to a volume which examines in detail some major aspects of the development of national states in Western Europe , considers the specific conditions in which these states began to emerge from the beginning of the sixteenth century , outlines their distinctive features , and reviews the causes of their development and eventual dominance .
22 The conference concluded that aid to the CIS needed to move from the provision of emergency food and medical aid to a long-term strategy of economic development .
23 Once the father was imprisoned , new and even more disturbing allegations began to emerge from the children .
24 Increasing support for Hamas in the " occupied territories " , and especially in its heartlands in the squalid refugee camps of the Gaza Strip , also posed a serious threat to the mainstream Palestine Liberation Organization ( PLO ) which had opposed Hamas demands to withdraw from the peace talks and embrace its more militant approach .
25 Most Right-Ons had to move from the Fleet Street ‘ heavies ’ , the papers they actually read , to the unknown territory of the ‘ pops ’ .
26 That the Rev. C. G. Hamilton having at the suggestion of the Governors agreed to retire from the Headmastership on a pension , the Governors beg respectfully to suggest £150 per annum as such pension , and ask the advice of the Charity Commissioners on the subject . "
27 In respect of garage M the appellants agreed to sell and the respondents agreed to buy from the appellants for a period of four years and five months their total requirements of petrol for resale .
28 Both snail genes and fluke genes stand to gain from the snail 's bodily survival , all other things being equal .
29 Whereas snail genes stand to gain from the snail 's reproduction , fluke genes do n't .
30 Whether or not particular authors take industrialization to be the main engine of change , or whether they include other factors , such as urbanization and bureaucratization , three generally agreed themes seem to emerge from the writings of many sociologists of the family .
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