Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [to-vb] [noun] to [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Analysis of this information is planned , an exercise which could lead to policies designed to limit offers to applicants from certain types of schools/colleges .
2 The scope of the Cash Accounting Scheme , whereby traders have to pay VAT to Customs only once they themselves have been paid by their customers , is also to be extended .
3 Will he take steps to ensure that buses have greater priority over other road users and to eliminate one of the major causes of road congestion in London — the long time that it takes to get passengers loaded on to one-man operated buses because drivers have to give change to passengers ?
4 Chemical companies continue to develop alternatives to CFCs .
5 Apart from a notable solo in the Finale , the flute section these days seems to prefer crescendos to decrescendos .
6 Traders in 18 out of 20 visited in the past two weeks refused to sell fireworks to children under the age of 16 .
7 Large commercial organisations need to allocate budgets to programmes such as research and development and design .
8 Whereas urban policy on both sides of the Atlantic was originally justified as a form of welfare initiative , it is now presented in functional economic terms aiming to introduce growth to areas of depression or industrial decline .
9 As outpatient clinics developed in local general hospitals , GPs started to refer patients to consultants in exactly the same way as they did for other medical specialties .
10 Sales operations restructured to elevate services to customers
11 Gradually children learn to give precision to events , and , through mastery of the simple mathematics involved , begin to work out dates and construct time-lines .
12 The Fine Chemicals and Medicinals Groups continues to provide money to schools under the Small Grants Scheme ( up to the value of £500 ) for the purchase of equipment to carry out chemistry-related projects in schools .
13 Jan. 4 EC Foreign Ministers agree to invite Aziz to talks in Luxembourg , but this and another offer on Jan. 9 for talks in Algiers are rejected .
14 In addition to intuitive judgements a head , deputy and other colleagues need to make sense to outsiders .
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