Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [be] [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One of the most significant results of the repression in the Baltic states has been to recreate an alliance between Russian radical politicians and Baltic nationalists .
2 Degas ' sculpture is on the move : literally , in the sense that a complete set of the artist 's bronzes has been travelling the world for the past five years , turning up in Verona , Florence , Amsterdam and Japan ; metaphorically , in a sudden resurgence of interest in the sculptures themselves , after more than four decades of academic neglect .
3 A hard core of nine fell walkers has been keeping the Company flag flying across the country .
4 This web of relationships has been called the role-set .
5 But the court 's discretion under this rule only arises if the applicant has sought a declaration , an injunction or damages ; and even if one of these remedies has been claimed the court may , in cases raising complex factual issues , refuse to exercise the discretion in the applicant 's favour on the basis that it would be better if the case were started afresh by writ .
6 Perhaps the greatest mistake in the application of GIS has been to allow the glamour of the technology to distract attention from the more mundane , yet vital , aspects of data acquisition and verification .
7 In Sudbrook the lessors had refused to appoint their valuer to discuss and seek to agree the value of the reversions with a valuer appointed by the lessees ; under the lease the valuers appointed were to refer the matter to an umpire .
8 Once the special character combinations had been replaced the file was iteratively refined .
9 One of the first rules of house and hall parties had been to scout the building for dark corners that might make useful retiring-places if the evening went well — preference was given to anywhere that had a lock on the inside .
10 Up to then the UK and Irish entries had been fighting a tooth and nail contest .
11 After a dress rehearsal for a Symphony Hour show , I suggested , as producer , that in the adagio movement of the main symphonic item the violins had been taking the tempo slightly too fast .
12 When all candidate content words have been assigned a score , use the Student 's t-test ( see Appendix A ) to determine whether the difference between the means of the correct-word scores and the highest-other-word scores is statistically significant .
13 First , the Velikovskians have been given the chance to make a superficially plausible claim that there is some kind of ‘ orthodox-science ’ vendetta against them and against their master' : they have been able to portray themselves as persecuted martyrs .
14 Four giant cranes have been given a lift ten miles down the River Mersey to start a new life working in the Port of Liverpool .
15 Journalists have been asking the question since he was , well , 23 .
16 Some US dairy farming organizations have been urging the FDA to ban BST for some time .
17 Now the handful of survivors have been made an offer they can not refuse : a last chance to surrender and march out , still beneath the banner of Modernism , straight into the arms of the museum culture — not as prisoners , but as co-belligerents .
18 The major industrial nations have been lowering the energy intensity of their economies since the 1970s ; the degree to which this will continue is central to any energy consumption projection .
19 ‘ The Iranians have been given a lot of leeway in the hope that they would cease to have a terrorist agenda .
20 Oil palms have been planted on a large part of the land behind the river and growers have been granted a draft permit to develop plantations along the river banks , the monkeys ' habitat , by the local land authority .
21 Thus , the published index for April 1985 is no longer a simple Laspeyres index because , since 1974 , the weights have been revised every year .
22 Police and charity commissioners investigating the disappearance of thousands of pounds of funds have been meeting the trustee who raised the alarm .
23 The Council of Science and Technology Institutes has been awarded a contract by the Employment Department to commission a major six-month study into the employment pattern of scientists .
24 THE RISE and rise of Tranmere Rovers has been given the Saint 's blessing .
25 A panel of European judges has been visiting a town carrying Britain 's hopes in Entente Florale .
26 In emphasising form and the ‘ gratuitousness ’ to daily concerns Kolve is reflecting the writing of the Dutch anthropologist and philosopher Johan Huizinga ( 1970 ) who also sees play ( in all its senses ) as something apart from ‘ ordinary life ’ and as a means of ‘ creating order ’ .
27 Now sometimes what salesmen do is suggest the answer , do you do this ?
28 Since mid century , philanthropists and social reformers had been urging the removal of the population of the inner-city slums to the more salubrious outskirts of the city .
29 The patrol of four unarmoured Land Rovers had been testing the safety of a Serb-held route to the northern town of Tuzla .
30 The engineers had been investigating a fault with overhead cables in the field at Bromyard in Herefordshire .
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