Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [adv] [adv] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As a consequence of these practical deficiencies , the principle of strict traffic segregation has been replaced in most Western societies by a repertoire of policies developed not just to improve traffic safety , but to do so without detracting from the quality of life in residential districts .
2 So competition for markets from the cheaper products made on newly installed machinery would hold price increases down to the existing rate .
3 But development is going on apace and many new houses appear where once stood fields and open spaces .
4 Almost as large and heavily built as Caspian Tern , but in summer has orange-yellow bill and more distinct crest , in winter ( but not during the moult ) has unstreaked white forehead , and at all times has more deeply forked tail , paler undersides of primaries , and higher-pitched call , a trilling ‘ kir ’ .
5 The London Deaf Video Project ( LDVP ) , established in 1985 and initially funded by the former Greater London Council , exists to provide the deaf community with information through video tapes in BSL Subjects treated so far include AIDS , welfare benefits , the dangers of smoking solicitors and their services , and the need for retirement .
6 Instead his minders offered just enough to keep the hacks occupied , mainly in transcribing undecipherable tape recordings snatched on carefully marshalled visits , whose symbolism was either crassly self-evident or completely obscure .
7 FIERCE competition between building societies and National Savings has so far spared savers even sharper cuts in interest as the base rate falls .
8 The advantage of the group system is that it ensures that members of the respective parties put forward clear cut views at the meetings of the council .
9 This reveals that these words do not just carry information about proportions but also about speakers ' expectations , and even speakers ' expectations about hearers ' expectations and so on .
10 Some of the words did not even make sense to her but , through the confusion , she 'd been able to salvage enough to piece together roughly the contents .
11 Official materials and guidelines do not always find favour with parents and governors .
12 In other words ‘ primitive ’ peoples do not simply construct words and meanings in relation to the felt needs of everyday life but classify according to more general intellectual interests and concerns .
13 Parents are expected to have total confidence in the school yet schools do n't often reciprocate trust and confidence in the judgement and goodwill of parents .
14 Perhaps it should also be remarked that algebraic type D solutions do not necessarily have horizons rather than singularities , a counterexample being one of the degenerate Ferrari-Ibañez ( 1987 b ) solutions .
15 It is well recognised that opioid analgesics do not always relieve pain , and there are already several unsatisfactory ways in which such pain is described , including ‘ opioid insensitive , ’ ‘ opioid non-responsive , ’ and ‘ opioid resistant . ’
16 Central units did not commonly tailor courses to library requirements , although this is not necessarily a disadvantage .
17 Non-city dwellers may still be able to burn coal or logs in their fireplaces , but today 's busy lifestyles do n't usually allow time for tending them .
18 Newspapers , journalists do n't just work office hours , I know they 'd like to but they , they I do n't let them but also a tremendous problem that they that that that you are always tied up in meetings and things during the day , you know , so make sure , try and develop personal contacts so you 've got a decent personal contact when you do n't mind giving your home number to someone .
19 Blondel in his study Political Parties : A Genuine Case for Discontent ? claims that " in the great majority of cases programmes are unclear , often limited in scope , and not closely connected to the goals which the party proclaims " and he goes so far as to assert that " on balance parties do not really have programmes " .
20 Most manufacturers do not yet find robot ‘ intelligence ’ necessary for mass production , although few doubt its potential .
21 Thus speakers do not randomly mix acrolect features with those from the basilect to create a " mesolect " ; each " lect " is discrete and ordered with respect to the other lects in the continuum .
22 Mutual respect and cooperation is needed so that drivers do not unnecessarily hinder pedestrians , or playing children deliberately impede cars .
23 The Scots do n't just sell electricity .
24 Here the Crick hypothesis has an advantage over the others , in that he proposes that those mysterious extraterrestrials did not simply scatter spores willy-nilly but sent out a computer-controlled spacecraft containing the spores as cargo .
25 Another is that earnings yields do not necessarily measure investors ' claim on a firm 's cash flow .
26 The clergy did not only minister word and sacraments ; they also performed social roles for their flock .
27 Eight years later these considerations did not apparently deter Lord Hailsham ( then Lord Chancellor ) from supporting the setting up of the National Industrial Relations Court ( NIRC ) .
28 The K mesons live long enough to produce tracks in the CLEO detector , so the team could work back from detected K mesons to hunt for those that seemed likely to have originated from a B meson .
29 Quarrels did not formally engage groups , although each member of a group — — even the most reluctantly involved — knew that the members of the other group would have to assume he was a wholehearted combatant .
30 The terrifying flame-throwers had now largely become suicide weapons , an immediate target the moment they appeared in the open .
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