Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [adv] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 According to the values listed above for the product of the reaction in our example for case 2 should be NiO(s) and not CO(g) .
2 times He 'll have good times Goin' oot on the randan But
3 Lines of humour fanned out from his mouth , and his teeth gleamed whitely in the darkness .
4 ‘ Then how come when we pulled her from her suit I found a folder full of Alex Bannen 's notes stashed away inside the sleeve ? ’
5 Importantly , Gramsci did not believe that consent was produced as the result of a ruling class conspiracy to hoax the workers ; for him , ideologies arose out of the material realities within which human beings live and work .
6 Last night angry shareholders called on the Deanses to go now for the good of the 117-year-old club .
7 The calls come via three sources : personal requests made by members of the public at the station 's enquiry desk ; telephone calls made directly to the station ; and messages relayed from BRC , the central communications network .
8 But on this day , an unusually cloudless Sunday late in October , I had travelled from Cornwall ; the train was two hours late , and I rushed , humping my case , past the mute crowds gazing up at the information board , towards the taxi rank .
9 Notes spilled out of the money drawer .
10 Bernard declared ‘ No Smoking ’ throughout ; but Laura , pragmatic as ever , rather than countermanding him , simply had fifty ashtrays placed strategically around the château .
11 The ducks gazed thoughtfully at the sky and flapped their wings , but not so much as a peep was uttered by any of them .
12 Quacking and complaining , the ducks hopped back into the water and swam away .
13 Providing authorities/hospitals would be paid for cases treated either on the basis of actual cost per case , or on some laid-down or agreed cost per case , and there seems little to prevent them behaving in the same manner as hospitals elsewhere where either ‘ Retrospective full cost reimbursement ’ or ‘ Prospective reimbursement ’ systems are in operation .
14 For example ‘ the ’ is signalled by two fingers placed together in the shape of a T , touching the ear indicates ‘ sounds like ’ , patting your hand on your head means ‘ name ’ , and it is often helpful to indicate the number of words by fingers .
15 You will be taught about hazards both in the classroom and on the wards and should always adhere to procedures and policies laid down for the safety of patients and yourself .
16 The district council claim that unauthorised use of the farm shop for the sale of goods not produced within the farm holding is not a use ancillary to agricultural use , and is contrary to policies laid down by the district local plan .
17 Essentially , it had a directing and supervisory role , ensuring that the policies laid down by the Politburo were known and vigorously pursued at all levels .
18 The government also failed to take up the recommendation to ‘ ring-fence ’ community care budget allocations , except in the case of mental health services where they did agree to a specific grant which would only be spent on community care service plans developed jointly by the health and social services .
19 The couple were chauffeured from their homes to the town hall where they put on the replica mayoral chains made specially for the occasion .
20 ( WES ) Almost all the club 's riders have refused to agree to new pay scales laid down by the sport 's governing body .
21 Finally , there is the suggestion that organic molecules arose elsewhere in the Universe , perhaps on dust particles in space , and were first carried to Earth on meteorites .
22 There was a low-slung sofa with a faded loose cover ; a rocking-chair with canvas strips hanging out of the bottom ; and a broad oak table on metal castors .
23 Bannen tried to take his son 's hand , but his fingers passed right through the simularity field .
24 Ingrid Heseltine , an EC civil servant , found the vacancies tucked away at the back of Euro documents , printed in French .
25 One such example is the large number of hoards of very debased silver Roman coins hidden in the later third century AD , which comprise coins made just before the currency reforms of that period .
26 The Commission made a provisional determination that the plaintiffs had failed to establish a claim according to the rules laid down under the statute .
27 But these are only reasons of strategy , and a pragmatist believes judges should always be ready to override such reasons when he thinks that changing rules laid down in the past would be in the general interest overall , notwithstanding some limited damage to the authority of political institutions .
28 Claims brought in respect of loss of cargo will be governed by the rules laid down in the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1971 , the Hague-Visby Rules .
29 Each dance followed particular rules laid down by the dancing masters , and this idea continued to prevail even after Gluck began to compose operas and ballets which had greater continuity .
30 Since a Convention rule covering an issue displaces the need for resort to the conflicts of laws whilst the non-coverage of an issue necessitates recourse to the applicable law as determined by the conflicts rules of the forum , it may become necessary to decide whether an issue on which the Convention contains no express provision is covered by implication , applying any canons of interpretation laid down by the Convention itself , and if not , whether recourse is to be had to general conflict-of-laws rules or to any particular conflict rules laid down by the Convention .
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