Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [pron] with [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 All these meetings concerned themselves with the Spanish question .
2 In the course of dealing with those who demanded excessively high wages or who broke their contracts , the courts provided us with a great deal of evidence about wage rates , and continuity and frequency of employment .
3 ‘ Azadi said that I had just twenty-four hours to provide him with the exact location of the ship — or else I would be executed .
4 Notice also how these skills provide us with a timeless wisdom , applicable to all people-situations anywhere .
5 Her investments provided her with an annual income of well over a million dollars , in addition to the trusts and investments left to her directly by her husband .
6 Flows of assistance between generations provide us with an important example where , in practice , support is often one way , and where apparently this is regarded as quite proper .
7 Lucenzo 's golden hair streaked back in the wind , emphasising the high purity of his cheekbones , and briefly his eyes lanced hers with a calculating look .
8 His eyes met hers with a strange sort of intensity .
9 At the door , Xanthe took her by both hands and held her so hard Miranda felt her nails cut into the palms and her eyes met hers with a pale blue flare , as clear as her father 's , and as unassailable , as she breathed out , holding Miranda by her side , and turned to face her father across the room .
10 With a stifled groan that for some reason moved her deeply , his lips found hers with a sweet fire that seemed to sear her very soul .
11 The Jews provide us with the single most illuminating incident of the episcopate of Avitus .
12 A writer who went on a police-escorted tour of Los Angeles 's red light districts to help him with an alleged magazine article is now wanted on suspicion of strangling three prostitutes in the city , police said yesterday .
13 Two lifts link it with the private sun terrace , bathing platform and sea water swimming pool below .
14 His eyes seared hers with a glowing intensity that excited her .
15 Grey eyes questioned him with the full seriousness of her young being .
16 He caught the wide , levelled eyes watching him with the first faint shadow of doubt and disquiet , almost distaste , and laughed shortly .
17 His eyes held hers with a thoughtful appraisal .
18 The dark eyes swept her with a triumphant gleam as the other woman said smugly , ‘ Silas said I was to sit beside him . ’
19 His intense irritation with his distant superiors transferred itself with an illogical rush to the silent girl , and he caught her by the arm .
20 But as we have seen , the law in some cases allows anyone with a genuine interest to make an application for judicial review , and it may take such persons a considerable time to find out about the decision they want to challenge .
21 Yet , despite the rapid growth of these more recent subjects , history retains its traditional importance in higher education , since its social , cultural , economic and political concerns provide us with an interdisciplinary approach to problems that includes the perspectives and many of the methods of the various social sciences , yet also seeks to establish a broader , overall assessment of the issues it examines .
22 Turtles provide us with a different example .
23 Children are deeply affected by their family life and to help parents provide them with a satisfactory experience and model is likely to be an investment in the future when they will become parents in their turn .
24 The question is whether the institutions will adopt the same rather altruistic attitude that they did then now that their income from even the best-performing companies will shrink permanently unless action is taken by the companies to leave them with the same net effect .
25 This charity , sponsored by all the water authorities , aims to bore wells in Third World countries to supply them with an uncontaminated source of water .
26 Pearson used these years to provide himself with an artistic education , listening to music , reading widely , and growing increasingly responsive to the beauties of the English countryside .
27 The improvements in performance over the last two years provide us with a secure base from which to move forward .
28 Olson suggests that these organizations are sometimes artificial creations required by governments to provide them with a representative body they can negotiate with .
29 She 'd firmly resisted her mother 's oft-repeated efforts to tempt her with the power-packed vegetable which she 'd seen the singing sailor-man so often greedily guzzle straight from the can .
30 BARRY WILSON turned in a star performance as Stantondale increased their lead at the top of the second division last week - and afterwards his managers furnished him with the same compliment : ‘ He 's class . ’
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