Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [prep] the next [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For reasons given in the next section , we remain sympathetically sceptical .
2 I 've got two essays to write in the next fortnight .
3 William Symons must have been a wild one for in July of the same year he and Elizabeth Cole also of Halling , were both bound over for twenty shillings to appear at the next gaol delivery .
4 However , the interest is usually in the filterable or settlable solids , and these are normally determined by the methods given in the next test .
5 In the zero-address computers discussed in the next section , some instructions require only an operation code field while others require an operand specification as well , so considerable variation in instruction length is possible .
6 In a disputed property case , because the Class F effectively comes to an end on the issue of the decree absolute protective steps mentioned in the next section should be taken .
7 Once , my partner and I were not allowed to play on a vacant court , just because my friend had a brown sweatshirt on , and there was a veterans doubles match on the next court — we might put them off by playing on the vacant court !
8 The landlord may sue if he can prove that actual harm has been caused to the reversion or in the circumstances illustrated in the next case .
9 With Thornton dropping into the background and the money coming in , the comrades progressed to the next stage , the dummy edition .
10 Moreover , the results have reinforced the belief that the general equilibrium effects are potentially important and can be safely ignored only in special circumstances ( this , we shall see , is even more true in the long-run models explored in the next Lecture ) .
11 When you 're trying to wrap up international agreements on global warming and the protection of biodiversity , let alone to devise ‘ an agenda for action ’ for all countries to follow in the next century , things will inevitably escalate .
12 The campaign to maximise the impact of the opposition parties ' votes in terms of seats won in the next election should begin now .
13 First , as economies grow , rising productivity levels made possible by technological advances allow workers to pass into the next sector .
14 The arrivals and departures list for the next day should be typed and copies distributed to all departments .
15 An American note was sent to the Soviet Union on 11 August 1947 requesting a report from the Joint Commission by 21 August to enable the two governments to decide on the next step .
16 Earlier still , rumour had it that England selectors needed only to whistle down a mine-shaft for a couple of fast bowlers to arrive in the next cage .
17 They 've already got five tracks earmarked for the next album .
18 Try to be as enthusiastic as possible ( enthusiasm is catching ! ) and take the names of everyone who came and ask them if they know of any other Christians to invite to the next meeting .
19 I had visited it before , in 1988 , when it was open only to Berwyn , with a tantalising glimpse of rails disappearing round the next bend , so I was very keen to see what lay beyond .
20 I 've just sent a cable to the club : list of delegates expected for the next week 's visit — does that sound okay ?
21 Would these principles survive into the next period of change in the 1990s , or had they outlived their time ?
22 If the projected examination schedules are retained in the computer , printouts can be obtained of the examinations scheduled for the next day or week , so rendering unnecessary the use of a manual diary for the control of test schedules .
23 I well I reckon , the trouble is , it depends on how things go in the next couple of weeks
24 With all these teaching techniques , attitudes can be explored and brought to the surface , as will be seen in the case studies described in the next section .
25 But actually it does n't tell you anything about the quality of the care which they 're purchasing and the evidence that we are getting increasingly from the community health council is the experience of people of the health service is that actually the quality of the care is getting worse and this is not due to the staff in the health ee the more detailed plans coming to the next meeting of the e the more detailed plans coming to the next meeting of the for an operation er , four years , it should to be said er , she 's been waiting despite the government 's claim that all operations are done within two years er for very severe varicose veins and surprisingly enough she got them because of course most varicose have been removed her , the north-east Thames region erm , and er she turned up on the Wednesday and the operation had been postponed twice previously er , she was er gone through all the er , various tests which took her four hours cos she had to find all the places herself , there was nobody to show her to X-ray and various other places erm she was prepared for the op and then was sent home because there was n't a bed available !
26 But actually it does n't tell you anything about the quality of the care which they 're purchasing and the evidence that we are getting increasingly from the community health council is the experience of people of the health service is that actually the quality of the care is getting worse and this is not due to the staff in the health ee the more detailed plans coming to the next meeting of the e the more detailed plans coming to the next meeting of the for an operation er , four years , it should to be said er , she 's been waiting despite the government 's claim that all operations are done within two years er for very severe varicose veins and surprisingly enough she got them because of course most varicose have been removed her , the north-east Thames region erm , and er she turned up on the Wednesday and the operation had been postponed twice previously er , she was er gone through all the er , various tests which took her four hours cos she had to find all the places herself , there was nobody to show her to X-ray and various other places erm she was prepared for the op and then was sent home because there was n't a bed available !
27 I do n't think we should hold up this one because of it , er so I would like to see the more detailed plans coming to the next meeting of the area committee er , so that residents can comment on this .
28 Lambeth Palace Library MS 51 , Peter 's personal manuscript of his Liber Revelationum , is an immense collection of visions relating to the next life , compiled between 1200 and 1206 .
29 SCOTTISH teenagers are not amoral hedonists living for the next ecstasy tab .
30 If the plaintiff is under a disability , the interim payment will usually be only for sums needed by the next friend to maintain the plaintiff and cover expenses until trial .
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