Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [prep] the [noun pl] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He said the number of emergency calls received in the Dales area of County Durham rarely exceeded one or two .
2 Its frenzied rejection was very different to that of the many projects listed in the Police Foundation or Home Office Registers of Research mentioned above , most of which are simply ignored and never ever receive any review .
3 This survey showed three pairs of Rock Pipits nesting in the cliffs east of Hastings , and 42 pairs on the chalk cliffs .
4 Organised by the Women in Arts project at the Arts Council , this symposium will bring together women in the arts , to reclaim the past , identify the present and plan the future .
5 Koreans serving in the police force were often extremely brutal in their conduct and it is hardly surprising that they were a target for revenge after the termination of Japanese rule ; many of them served under the American occupation and in South Korea from 1948 and vengeance continued to be taken at periodic intervals for years to come .
6 The weakest test of conformity with the no-arbitrage condition uses the bounds set by the transactions costs of arbitrage .
7 A recent policy statement from the AUT , Investing in the future : research and development in the universities , says that the overhead costs of research projects funded by government departments , research councils , industry and other bodies , are not being properly met and so these projects are eating up funds allocated by the Universities Funding Council .
8 Slowly the line of cars inched towards the Customs sheds .
9 Thus the severe animosity against Jews culminating in the Aliens Act of 1905 , a product of what Bernard Gainer calls ‘ The Anti-Alien Mentality ’ ( 1972 , chapter 5 ) did not prevent sport 's patrons delighting at the scores of immigrants seeking material rewards through boxing .
10 The impression of IBM Corp , Digital Equipment Corp and their ilk lining up like lambs to the slaughter may seem hard to credit for customers that have been driven to accept very hard bargains , but that is what appears to be happening with this Gadarene rush by the major manufacturers to get into the facilities management business in the US : we understand that many of the savings and loans , banks and securities houses that have gratefully accepted offers by the majors to run their data processing operations for them has little to do with saving money over the term of the contract , much to do with their urgent need for cash upfront to repair their ravaged balance sheets — the key attraction of the deals being the money paid at the start of the contract for the data processing facilities ; if the customers are in that much need of cash , chances are that many of them wo n't be around in five or seven years ' time , so that having spent good money for computers they do n't need , the facilities managers will be left with idle installations and contracts with no residual value .
11 In Committee , we had long discussions about that , and were genuinely sympathetic to the worries expressed by the citizens advice bureaux .
12 Boys and girls from Stirling District primary schools competed in the schools soccer challenge .
13 Clockwise from left : Mister C sports specially made Shamen T-shirt and pagan symbol pendant ; Houston 's progressive house fans file into the Shamen Hallowe'en ‘ rave ’ at the Tower Theater ; dancer from support band Utah Saints gets into Ebeneezer garb and joins The Shamen on stage for ‘ Ebeneezer Goode ’
14 For Windows 3.0 users there is a separate set of drivers held on the drivers disk ( they actually work under 3.1 as well , but not as fast as the proper 3.1 drivers ) .
15 The former Kent and England spinner Derek Underwood , director of cricket at Club Surfaces , had this to say : ‘ Of course I enjoy seeing our pitches go in at the Etons and Tonbridges , but it is at grass-roots level within the state-schools sector that the wealth of untapped talent must not be lost to the game . ’
16 Car bombs exploded near the police headquarters in Burgos on Aug. 17 , injuring 48 people slightly ; at Bilbao docks on Sept. 2 , killing a civil guard and one passer-by and injuring two people ; and outside a civil guard barracks in Cartagena , south-eastern Spain , on Sept. 11 , injuring eight people including three civil guards .
17 I could not load from 3½″ copies made from the 5¼″ sets either , as I got a ‘ VERIFY ’ message and only 2 of the 4 disks would load .
18 IV Winding up of companies registered under the Companies Act
19 Held , that , since in Part III of the Insolvency Act 1986 there was no definition of ‘ company ’ in relation to administrative receivers , by virtue of section 251 of that Act the definition in section 735 of the Companies Act 1985 applied and , therefore , unless the contrary intention appeared , ‘ company ’ was to be defined as a company registered under the Companies Acts ; but that a contrary intention was to be deduced from the proper construction of the provisions relating to administrative receivers generally and the Act of 1986 as a whole , whereby it appeared that Parliament intended that ‘ company , ’ in the context of section 29(2) ( a ) , should not be confined to the prima facie meaning of companies registered under the Companies Acts but should embrace unregistered companies liable to be wound up under Part V of the Act of 1986 ; and that , accordingly , the applicants were administrative receivers within the meaning of section 29(2) ( post , pp. 243F–G , 244A–C , D–G , 245F — 246A ) .
20 The bank could then make loans to third party investors contingent upon all or part of the loan being used to purchase shares in those companies underwritten by the securities affiliate .
21 Seeing her name on none of the placards paraded outside the customs hall , she retreated to the shade of a wall opposite the terminal .
22 Home Office Circular 48/1991 contains guidance for magistrates on procedural and other matters relating to the Children Act .
23 It was impossible to find objective justification for applying the residence requirement to investors in or directors of companies operating in the fisheries sector .
24 Alas , we are not able to report how much cheaper the cars would be if all the current goodies decamped to the options list .
25 This case provides a commonplace illustration of how the division of labour in an advanced capitalist society can not be grasped in terms of agreements and exchanges between autonomous traders , and so the security craved by such relations of interdependence must be satisfied by the wider conception of contractual obligations envisaged by the interests theory .
26 We are aware of brands going under the names Nicostop , Nicorene , Nicotine Patch , Nicocheck , and Nicoban .
27 In Leeds , local councillors have been sheepish about releasing plans to local people for what might just prove to be one of the most inspired and humane post-war city centre redevelopments masterminded by the architects Terry Farrell and Rob Krier for the Dutch developer MAB .
28 Oakeshott suggests that the state ‘ may perhaps be understood as an unresolved tension between the two irreconcilable dispositions represented by the words societas and universitas ’ .
29 The payments of up to £48,000 are to investors with companies declared by the Investors Compensation Scheme to be in default as a result of fraud or negligence .
30 It 's substantially to do with registration of inspection duties arising from the Children Act , the registration and inspection of childminders , erm , workplace creches , and and Mike can go into detail on that if members wish .
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