Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [adj] [verb] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But there are no easy solutions ; it is hard , for example , to imagine the EC countries deciding overnight to forget their searing battles over agricultural policy and return to the old days of costly subsidies and surpluses in order to build up buffer stocks to higher levels .
2 The next few years look likely to take him closer to that kind of life , the life of his ancestors .
3 We have shown in this paper that position-independent , copy number-dependent expression of the Ea gene in transgenic mice , requires far upstream regions containing five DNase I Hypersensitive sites ( DH I-V ) .
4 Breastfeeding may be best — but is n't it time for all those who make non-breastfeeding mothers feel guilty to mind their own business ?
5 Since then individual departments have each published their own spending plans for the next three years , approved by the Treasury .
6 Men seemed happier to think their sexual inadequacies were emotional rather than physical ; they 'd rather believe women want affection and tenderness than think about women 's nitty gritty physical needs .
7 But the poverty trap for those who go from unemployment to a low paid job is already severe and yesterday 's measures seem likely to make it worse .
8 But the poverty trap for those who go from unemployment to a low-paid job is already severe and yesterday 's measures seem likely to make it worse .
9 Intestinal adaptation to PSBR is controlled by both luminal and humoral factors , but since the pancreas lies outside the alimentary tract , only systemic factors seem likely to mediate its adaptive response .
10 However , in 1982 only 40 per cent of lone ( i.e. non-married ) women aged 60–4 had their own and/or a widow 's occupational pension and 25 per cent of that age group were drawing a supplementary ( means-tested ) state pension .
11 He did n't indulge in the crude autopsy humour which some of his colleagues found necessary to bolster their social self-esteem ; dinner guests could know themselves safe from distasteful anecdotes about carving knives or missing kidneys .
12 On the other hand , princes felt free to vent their own anger in ways which they now blocked to others .
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