Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [verb] the [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Governments may adopt various industrial , regional and fiscal policies designed to increase the incentive to entrepreneurs to set up new businesses and possibly also to reduce the ‘ red tape ’ involved .
2 Five minutes driving brings the traveller to Horn , an ancient fishing village lying in a slight recession in the coast , and then the road continues to Rorschach .
3 The increasingly high profile of problems such as the greenhouse effect , the hole in the ozone layer , agricultural pollution and the state of Britain 's waterways has pushed the environment to the top of the political agenda , and the government is keen to be seen responding .
4 For example , it can be argued the expansion into amalgamated police units has enlarged the organization to a point where it is no longer accessible to the man in the street ; alternatively , it may be that the use of a centralized computer and complex technical aids has alienated the public even at the same time they are increasingly fed a diet of violent news snippets which reinforce a fear of crime and generate another ‘ folk devil ’ of criminal menace , which demands the impossible : a policeman on every corner .
5 For the ‘ middle classes ’ , then , heterogeneity of social origin must be added to heterogeneity of socio-economic position as another factor tending to render problematic any clear ‘ class ’ designation ( or in other words tending to reduce the degree to which the term ‘ middle class ’ identifies a pertinent social collectivity ) .
6 ‘ Is burying yourself under the covers going to provide the answer to your problems ? ’ he asked sceptically .
7 In Western Europe it is estimated that new cars will become , on average , 2% more fuel efficient per year to 1990 , Europe 's motor manufacturers having given the commitment to governments to improve the fuel efficiency of their 1985 models by 10% over the 1978 efficiency level .
8 Snaith was a Peculiar , ie it had its own ecclesiastical court and in many ways it was exempt from the jurisdiction of the Bishop , which may explain the fact that the Bishop 's inspectors came to interview the brothers at Snaith for reported ‘ indiscretions ’ and were unable to carry out their inspection because the brothers had summoned the ferry to the Snaith bank so they could not cross the river !
9 Marxists have discovered the state to be relatively autonomous and classes to be composed of ‘ class fractions ’ which seem to interact in a manner curiously reminiscent of the pluralist account .
10 Remember that many bright secretaries have made the transfer to media departments with great success .
11 At the County Ground it 's Swindon against Bristol City … former skipper Colin Calderwood 's making a guest appearance as the club stage a benefit for good old Chalky White whose goals have helped the team to the very top …
12 John 's granny Luise Tomlins said the youngster 's parents want to break the news to him gradually .
13 The varied articles presented introduce the reader to some of the most recent strands of linguistics and literary studies but they can not be thought to constitute a unified discipline .
14 At the lower end of the job market , in the middle management to senior supervisory positions , employers are however more likely to consider with favour candidates with good track records in their own countries seeking to make the transition to working oversees .
15 THE battle for the ownership of ITN , the TV news service , took a fresh turn yesterday when the bidding companies decided to extend the offer to November 18 .
16 It was so narrow that barges had worn the brickwork to half its normal thickness in scraping through , and mining subsidence was also causing it to crumble .
17 Studies in France and other countries had revealed the extent to which forests were being cut down and showed that deforestation had a range of harmful consequences .
18 So impressive are these abstract figures that their creators have travelled the world to be part of what almost amounts to an International Circus of skilled performers , all by invitation and with expenses paid !
19 The companies plan to apply the concept to gas and electricity supplies as well as security systems .
20 In most regions , the new growth is entirely due to changes in net migration , as movement out of the conurbations has exceeded the inflow to these areas , and low or convergent rates of natural increase have provided a passive background for these trends .
21 The fire service and R-S-P-C-A used boats to help ferry the flock to safer ground .
22 In one of the many meetings on Nov. 8-9 , Rajiv Gandhi , leader of Congress ( I ) ( which with 193 of the 525 Lok Sabha seats had led the opposition to Singh 's government and had constituted the largest single party block ) , apparently turned down an invitation from President Venkataraman to form a Congress ( I ) government .
23 He was a businessman , an entrepreneur whose roller-coaster fortunes had taken the family to Puerto Rico and Costa Rica for about four years .
24 This length was used by Fair American to win the North American Championships , although some boats have lengthened the forestay to as much as 62ft 7in ( 19.1m ) .
25 Senior Chinese officials have blamed the damage to Hong Kong 's confidence variously on Hong Kong people themselves , for daring to demonstrate ; and on the British , an astonishing claim which was made by China 's principal representative in Hongkong , Xu Jiatun , the director of the New China News Agency , who said that the responsibility for restoring confidence in Hong Kong rested with London .
26 Tora ! is well in order , both to get a general feel for the events of the day and to regain an appreciation of the efforts expended to bring the saga to the wide screen .
27 Most of NCR 's owners want to sell the company to AT&T .
28 A press corps reaching into three figures has accompanied the side to Scotland and , in the absence of World Cup qualifying matches to play , each appearance made by Vogts ' team has taken on a genuine significance .
29 However , it would be fair to conclude that neither of these studies has shown the NYSE to be less than semi-strong efficient .
30 Arsenal Football Club is issuing more bonds to help finance the conversion to all-seated accommodation .
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