Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [verb] him [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Foreigners tend to see him as a ‘ whingeing pom , brit etc. ’ and do not like the program .
2 For one thing , his obsession with tactics has led him into an absurd devaluation of the merits and achievements of Peter Beardsley .
3 Lord Dundas was fully aware of Glassford 's importance to his political interest in Clackmannan , and had taken steps to try to oblige him in a matter relating to his West Indian business interests , but Glassford was also conscious of his position in the political sphere , and fully intended to use it to secure his brother-in-law 's reinstatement .
4 BARNET chairman Stan Flashman has vowed he will ban any fans caught criticising him on the terraces .
5 It is said that a deputation of quarrymen came to see him with a view to getting a trade union recognised .
6 In a daring helicopter operation supporters had freed him from the prison on Naos Island , off Panama City , on Dec. 4 .
7 Beryl 's words had impressed him at the time because they summed up his own vague feeling that what had happened and what was happening might be consequences of the old man 's cynical , even malicious contrivings .
8 The tunes played by the 25-year-old former London College of Music student have become a feature at the club this season and the Crewe directors intend to reward him with a free season ticket .
9 It was not until the oriental had addressed the armed newcomer with the blackened face , that the two youngsters had recognised him as the private detective Brett Grant .
10 He first acquired a great deal of Gilbert and Sullivan , because his father was keen on the Savoy operas , but eventually John turned to ballet music because of the tales his parents had told him about the Diaghilev Ballet .
11 They were all thin people — there 'd almost have been room for a fourth person in the double his parents had bought him as a wedding present , so getting three people in it was certainly not an impossibility .
12 Mario described himself to me as a hungry kid , adding that maybe those early experiences had left him with a permanent sense of insecurity .
13 Perhaps the mad fuckers had hung him in an abattoir .
14 A hidden mechanism activates , ejecting a series of sharp knife blades threatening to push him from the ledge .
15 He kept glancing north to make certain no enemy troops appeared to pin him against the river .
16 Quick wit and cleverness at school had shifted him quickly from his roots in the Belfast underclass , and his natural proclivities had led him to the theatre set , a wee bit of acting and extra-work from time to time , usually as a gunman or a thug and once , memorably , as a rather well-fed hungerstriker .
17 The torturers had chained him to a wall , applying searing hot pokers to the softest and most tender parts of his body .
18 Many of Voight 's films have cast him as a none-too-bright but likeable hunk .
19 A YOUNG Tyrone man has claimed British intelligence officers tried to recruit him as an informer while he was on holiday in Spain .
20 The alleged assaults happened when two officers went to arrest him at a house in Cathcart Road in London .
21 He was exceedingly malicious and the gods had to restrain him with a magic chain , named Gleipnir , forged from :
22 Iain reported that Tim Moulds had informed him about the present situation .
23 Doctors fought to save him in the days afterward .
24 Anyway , the outcome was that the other members tried to expel him from the branch .
25 ‘ But if he is n't going to bother , I do n't think it 's fair to the other players to keep choosing him for the reserves .
26 Seb entered the gipsy encampment warily , remembering the reception Boz and his friends had given him on an earlier visit .
27 Faustus 's fate is also made clearer by the addition of a scene before the final chorus where the scholars come to visit him on the morning after his final hour and find his body torn in pieces ( V , iii , 1–19 ) .
28 Anand made the announcement after student leaders had presented him with a petition calling for the lifting of martial law .
29 The Octobrist party , whose leaders attempted to provide him with a base of support within the Duma , found themselves coming under increasing criticism , and the party fell apart .
30 After spending a few months gauging public reaction , West Mercia Police intend to use him as a kerbside deterrent against speeding .
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