Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [verb] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A difference between McGregor and Tuckman seems to be that the former sees some groups as fixed in their poor behaviour , whereas the latter implies that groups tend to move out of the ineffective stages into more effective behaviour .
2 Mr Watson said : ‘ It is the intention of Coun Garvey as long as he retains control of his private prosecution to seek that it be directed to the crown court on the basis that the allegation against him is heading towards the crown court and it would be sensible to have the two alleged criminal acts tried arising out of the same incident tried before the same court . ’
3 The privatisation during the 1980s of all the major British utilities has brought out into the open the whole question of the preferential treatment given by EEC institutions to publicly owned as against private organisations .
4 When Marc spoke his words seemed to grow out of the night itself .
5 Ranulf and Maltote following suit just as the two crossbow quarrels came whirring out of the darkness , skimming the tops of their heads .
6 It 's a strangely riveting spectacle , but just in case your eyes get poked out in the moshpit , they 've got a quite daring array of slightly goth-laced nagging pop tunes , pinned by means of twiddly guitar hooks and belting choruses to that corner of your brain which is exclusively reserved for tunes to whistle in the supermarket queue .
7 When the disappointed Cov fans started sneaking out before the end , the stand we were in seemed to have just as many Leeds as Cov fans in it .
8 Coal and nuclear power will be the most " readily available " energy sources when oil reserves start to run out in the middle of the 21st century , according to the latest projections by the World Energy Council ( WEC ) .
9 By this time the crowd following the marchers had spilled out across the roadway , effectively breaking the ban on a march within the city walls .
10 As a result of good product design , developments in colour printing , trading up , increased marketing by museums and galleries and perhaps above all the ‘ image ’ culture promulgated by television and the media more generally , calendars have come out of the office and potting shed and into prime sites in the home — and they need to be replaced every year .
11 Over the past decade , lasers able to generate ultra-short pulses have moved out of the laser physicist 's laboratory and onto the chemist 's bench .
12 It must be the first time ever in the Five Nations Championship that two referees have dropped out of the opening games , with England 's Ed Morrison missing the Ireland v Wales game through a rib injury , and Yours Truly having to watch the England v Ireland game on television through a ‘ flu virus .
13 Not until kings grew weary of perambulating in bad weather over rough countryside from one provincial centre to another were judges appointed to branch out from the royal court on circuits known as eyres , listening to pleas and sorting out local problems .
14 The top 10 packages youngsters queued to try out at the show were :
15 The Boomtown Rats have exploded out of the country , but there is little lingering after-effect .
16 Most of the Arabs have stayed out of the fratricidal wars of the victorious Afghan factions in Kabul .
17 Yesterday 's valedictory speech by Lord Donaldson was the first time that judges have spoken out about the treatment of Lord Lane at the hands of the media after a series of controversial court decisions .
18 Buildings seemed to rise out of the desert .
19 Did n't fishermen like to go out into the middle of lakes to fish ?
20 For example with education , it 'll be a terrible thing for education if the middle classes continue to contract out in the way that they are so we have a divorced system of independent education quite separate from the state system .
21 However , since personal and social difficulties are experienced by most people , the problems addressed in primary prevention in social work also include those complex processes whereby individuals become separated out from the general population , entering client careers with welfare agencies ( Greenley and Kirk , 1973 ; Hardiker and Barker , 1985 ) .
22 A couple of airmen had come out of the trenches to see what the shooting was about .
23 These advances have grown out of the ‘ natural ’ desires to produce live , healthy babies , and to promote fertility in women who have difficulties in getting pregnant .
24 But with the base set to close , the planes have flown out for the last time .
25 Very often when people are under stress these very important relaxing activities get squeezed out of the weekly timetable .
26 There was another clink , and gold coins began to drop out of the hem of the wizard 's robe .
27 His massive figures appear to explode out over the frames .
28 ‘ There are an increasing number of executives looking to break out of the corporate hierarchy , ’ he said .
29 ‘ There are an increasing number of executives looking to break out of the corporate hierarchy and run their own business and it appears that MBIs are catching up with MBOs as a method of achieving that goal . ’
30 Acting on a hunch , I stationed myself at 5.59 p.m. the following Monday , and sure enough I was nearly killed by middle managers trying to get out of the office before the 6 p.m. deadline .
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