Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [verb] [adv] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 Other acts sought to prohibit as far as possible corrupt practices and limited the amount of money a candidate could spend on election expenses .
2 As this list also reminds us , journalists seem to worry as much as sociologists about their proper analytical role .
3 Already a £4.1 billion industry , quick-service restaurants continue to expand as quickly as ever , despite the economic trend .
4 Only because of Labour proposals and actions have schools managed to deal as well as they have with L M S. Congratulations , I say , go to the Labour Group .
5 Our own days in the palm-frond houses seemed to dwindle as quickly as sand through a sieve .
6 But you want to be sure that your parents get to hear as soon as possible that you are safe , do n't you ? …
7 The Protestant reformers wanted to return as far as possible to the spirit of primitive Christianity and looked askance at the mystical tradition which seemed to have no warrant in Scripture .
8 By the beginning of this century , however , the towers had gone as far as they could go .
9 One implication of phenomenal rates of economic growth can be seen in rising incomes leading to an enormous increase in the ownership of consumer durables , although it is debatable whether incomes have risen as fast as GNP .
10 With the October 1987 stockmarket crash and , now , a British recession , these revenues have vanished as capriciously as they arrived .
11 The alarm bells began ringing as early as the seventh minute when Albert Craig struck the post from a narrow angle after capitalising on a moment 's hesitation in the home defence .
12 The barge-owners had to go as far as the brewery wharf across Maurice 's foredeck and over a series of gangplanks which connected them with their own boats .
13 The Motorola plant , Scotland 's most significant inward investment of recent years , is expected to reach its target employment level of 1,500-2,000 jobs next year , two years ahead of schedule , but senior managers have indicated that the eventual total could be nearer 4,000 if markets continue to perform as robustly as currently projected .
14 And it 's crucial for children to get help as early as possible .
15 If during the last twenty years , the costs of automobiles had declined as fast as those for memory capacity in computers , today a Rolls-Royce would cost 50 cents ( van Tulder and Junne , 1988 ) .
16 Over and above that are the various assurance schemes designed to offer as near as possible a guarantee of quality , safety , wholesomeness and implied animal welfare in the whole process in much the same way as the lion 's stamp once guaranteed eggs in the pre-Edwina Currie days .
17 Over the millennia , cultures have changed very substantially as they have learned to cope with environmental vicissitudes .
18 No doubt , when events start to run as smoothly as I forecast , you will assume it must be coincidence .
19 Its roots had burrowed as deep as its trunk was tall .
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