Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 The politically active were divided among themselves — most lesbians were then working in women-only organizations : some groups continued to campaign for law reforms ; some groups sought alliances as part of the process of bringing about revolutionary change .
2 Eventually the issue was resolved — although the constitutional position remained unclear — when , on Jan. 12 , both houses produced majorities in favour of the use of force .
3 He wanted other states to see Romania as part of neither bloc .
4 The Social Security Pensions Act 1975 specifically allows employers to exclude workers from membership of occupational pension schemes by occupational category , thus facilitating the legal exclusion of women in vertically segregated occupational categories which are mainly or exclusively female .
5 Not everyone was convinced , however , and there were many efforts by anti-Darwinians to provide evidence in favour of alternative evolutionary mechanisms .
6 1949 Namibians petition UN for end of South African rule [ see pp. 10405-06 ] .
7 The policies provide cover for death of the Policyholder or spouse in circumstances which are clearly detailed in the policy .
8 2* Contents — 5* Maxplan Contents policies and both Buildings policies provide cover in respect of loss or damage caused by Smoke .
9 The policies provide cover in respect of the Policyholder 's interest and buyer 's interest when the Policyholder has agreed to sell his house , up until the date on which the contracts are completed or date on which the missives are signed .
10 The policies provide cover in respect of architects , surveyors , legal and any other fees which are necessary to rebuild , repair or replace the home , following destruction or damage insured under the policy .
11 If the master feels that a transfer should be considered , he will direct the court to give notice to the parties to attend court for consideration of the matter .
12 In 1965 the Court of Appeal of Berlin unequivocally upheld the right of treaty parties to create agreements in favour of third parties , provided they so intended .
13 RTPA 1976 applies to agreements or arrangements between two or more persons carrying on business in the United Kingdom in the production or supply of goods or services or in the application of a manufacturing process to goods , being agreements in which two or more of the parties accept restrictions in respect of the matters contained in RTPA 1976 , s6 in relation to goods and those contained in reg 3(2) of statutory instrument ( SI ) 1976/98 in relation to services .
14 to deal with entries entailing exemption from part of the Course on behalf of the Polytechnic Dispensations Committee , to set appropriate conditions for such entries and to report them to the Dispensations Committee ; and
15 Call for guidelines to help doctors with dilemma of treating the hopelessly ill
16 In none of these cases do we think of the owner as having parted with the right of ownership , though it may be that the contract between the parties creates rights in favour of the bailee which the owner can not use his right of ownership to override .
17 However , it is obviously as much a waste of funds to give money to privatisation of the coal industry as it was to give money for the poll tax .
18 At the same time , the purchaser will not wish to return cash to the vendor that he has not yet collected from debtors , nor will the purchaser be willing to use its own funds to satisfy creditors on behalf of the vendor .
19 Russia can not afford to be flanked by newly nuclear states on its southern borders ; or to allow the ethnic strife in and between ex-Soviet republics to turn nuclear ; or to see extremists among its own fissiparous peoples demand independence on pain of nuclear terrorism .
20 ( 2 ) This section does not apply to — ( a ) assents by a personal representative ; ( b ) disclaimers made in accordance with section 54 of the bankruptcy Act 1914 or not required to be evidenced in writing ; ( c ) surrenders by operation of law , including surrenders which may , by law , be effected without writing ; ( d ) leases or tenancies or other assurances not required by law to be made in writing ; ( e ) receipts not required by law to be under seal ; ( f ) vesting orders of the court or other competent authority ; ( g ) conveyances taking effect by operation of law .
21 A group of over a hundred supporters sang songs in honour of them : ‘ Mandela , you are like no other man ’ , they sang .
22 Francis Pym assumed this post , Norman St John-Stevas replaced Pym as Leader of the House of Commons , and Mark Carlisle in turn took over Education from Mr Stevas .
23 Most of these are teaching districts but one quarter of nonteaching districts had flows in excess of 33 per cent in 1988 ( Brazier et al.
24 Experience in the bus industry has shown that it is in practice very difficult to persuade different operators to reach agreement on cross-validity of discount fares : ‘ only one in four bus operators now accept each others ’ tickets . ’
25 Our solicitors filed action for breach of trust , fraud and embezzlement this morning .
26 Mice entered aircraft in pursuit of sandwich crumbs , usually under the floorboards .
27 Insolvency — Transaction at undervalue — Service out of jurisdiction — Director transferring company 's money to bank in Jersey — Bank having no place of business in England — Company 's administrators seeking order for recovery of money from bank — Whether jurisdiction to make order against foreign bank — Insolvency Act 1986 ( c. 45 ) , s. 238 — Insolvency Rules 1986 ( S.I .
28 In the case of very low birthweight infants , two trials showed reductions in incidence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia and respiratory infection and of duration of ventilation and stay in intensive care .
29 While Western commuters hoist newspapers in front of faces and shut out the rest of society , Chinese people will use a train journey to chat and offer snacks to each other .
30 The descriptions indicate differences in use of fingerspelling such that BSL fingerspelling occurs primarily in place names and people 's names , while in ASL initialisation of signs is a primary aspect of borrowing .
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