Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] and [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is important to write these plans down and to keep them under review .
2 Lorton swept the coins together and crammed them into the box .
3 What pinch your fingers together and push it in its
4 Instead , resting his elbows on his papers , he laced his fingers together and regarded her over them .
5 Parties , in many respects , were no longer taken seriously by the voters ; many more people now disavowed parties altogether and declared themselves to be independents .
6 This encodes the audio and video signals together and puts them onto the tape via the high-speed rotation of the head-drum ; it is this ‘ high writing speed ’ recording method which greatly improves the audio quality compared with VHS mono .
7 They were side by side , and she rolled on to her back , arched herself to receive him as she stretched her legs outwards and clasped them round him .
8 Odd-Knut muzzles the dog with a piece of trace line , ties its front and back legs together and lies it on its side .
9 ‘ We know that , Mr Vigo , ’ he said , wrenching his eyes away and fixing them on an eggshell thin service , made to contain jasmine tea .
10 Redefine the problem in terms of a challenge , ask them to take two steps backwards and treat it as an experiment .
11 It is important that colleges and universities use the access funds sensitively and target them on those who need them .
12 As he took up his school books again and moved them into his bedroom , he wondered if his father had told his mother about his leaving school .
13 All I 'm asking is that you begin to take these methods seriously and consider them alongside your own quantitative skills .
14 To make a Covenant , just complete the two forms above and return them to us in the envelope provided .
15 ‘ I put all the ingredients together and put them on individual plates , but lots of people helped get the lobster out of their shells , and Alfred made the mayonnaise .
16 Andy yelled , throwing the keys down and grabbing me by the collar and slamming me back against the side of the Landie .
17 But she began to gather their limbs together and put them in order , head , body , arms and legs .
18 I got my part of the control lines together and carried them in a loop round to the kite .
19 ‘ The initial plan was to put companies together and bring them to the market . ’
20 During the winter , the male digs a hole in the sandy earth about four feet deep and fifteen feet across and fills it with vegetation .
21 So he pulled all his strings , and although it was politically very sensitive , he got the Cypriots to close the Palestinians down and kick them off the island .
22 If you do all that for us you can then get gather all those bits and pieces together and put them on your commission claim .
23 In the main , however , they employ their temporary workers directly and issue them with some sort of employment contract .
24 She had dealt with the guilt years ago and put it behind her , but here he was , reviving it with his ruthless logic .
25 At a glassed-in box-office an immigration officer , seated high above , examined their passports again and subjected them to the piercing but impersonal stare of his kind .
26 Within a few seasons it should be possible to interpret the motion vectors quantitatively and to represent them in more realistic terms than in the cartoon of Figure 2 .
27 It 's just that it would have been nice to have seen the signs , ’ said Caspar , rolling the maps up and packing them in his saddle bag .
28 But they 're they were all kind ladies and er the thing that they punished us with really was made of cardboard , like er , er a pointer or a stick , it was a pointer that they pointed to the board when they drew things on and told us about them , but sometimes boys By the way , boy sat with girl , at the desk with two in and er it was quite satisfactory , I do n't remember any other upset with being there th th th there were two sexes , we were five years of age to begin with and stayed till seven .
29 Simply read the questions opposite and decide which of the alternatives , a , b or c , is correct .
30 Then he clipped the pages together and slipped them into a file .
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