Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Slowly he stepped across to the terrace and gazed down at her with eyes so racked with pain that Ruth 's own eyes filled to the brim with her despair and lost love .
2 Fraud appears to have increased rather than decreased , and it can not be argued that this is merely a matter of greater success in detection , as many of the frauds only come to light when investors find that they are unable to obtain their funds ( or the directors of the institution are found to be in sunny climes abroad , with little intention of returning to the UK ) .
3 The new Army Commander , Gen. Vimol Wongwanich , promised to unify the Army and on Aug. 7 ordered commanders of all army units not to intervene in politics or do anything to help or hinder any political party .
4 The branches above murmured in supplication and let through a sudden , spiralling shaft of light .
5 University offers a unique opportunity to study subjects not offered at school as well as those of which applicants may have some experience .
6 A curious mutant with slender spiky rushes alternately barred with cream and green .
7 When I was a schoolboy , elderly textbook authors still wrote about protoplasm although , by then , they really should have known better .
8 The provision of specialised consultants for accident units also came under criticism and the committee reported that it took seven years , until 1992 , for the number of A&E consultants in Scotland to increase from 11 to 23 , even though the most recent review concluded that 34 were needed .
9 Drinkers also moaned about dirt and smells in pubs , bad toilets and ‘ down-at-heel ’ gardens .
10 She could see his lips slightly wet with champagne and was suddenly seized with a desire to feel that wetness against her own mouth .
11 This tripartite intervention left a legacy of resentment in Japan , a bitterness at being unable to retain concessions fairly won in war except with the sanction of other powers .
12 Of the trade guilds , the livery companies in the cities undertook to provide all that was customary for the performance of the obsequies of their deceased members , the street processions often reflecting in size and panoply the funerals of the nobility .
13 The younger men amongst the Jews often roared with laughter when the older men , the original immigrants , talked of some experience or incident , for the young bucks were first generation British and educated .
14 ‘ But you have n't told me your name ! ’ he protested , the blue eyes now dancing with amusement as he took in her affronted expression .
15 Dykes are vertically discordant intrusions often composed of dolerite and they frequently exist in swarms .
16 Rather , if such industrial policy is to be attempted , it seems preferable to diagnose the cause of the market failure and provide a generalized incentive which market decision-makers then take into account when undertaking their professional analysis .
17 More like a divorce in which the two parties occasionally meet for companionship and sexual pleasure without strings .
18 The roundabouts had galloping horses , ostriches and other animals beautifully carved in wood and painted by real craftsmen .
19 Herons generally fish at dawn before the gardener has stirred and it may be some time before the pool-owner is aware that his fish are disappearing .
20 The general muddle was discussed in Chapter 6.2(c) above : in principle , a person whose conduct was caused by mental disorder should not be liable to criminal conviction , but in practice the narrow and antiquated defence of insanity is rarely invoked in England ( a handful of cases each year ) , and the courts normally proceed to conviction and then select a medical disposal where appropriate .
21 He discovered from Nicholson senior that Nails rarely slept at home and from Nails 's classmates that he went off with a woman on a motor-bike at four o'clock everyday .
22 The offences only came to light because of an attempt to inflate profits at Alexander Howden , which was discovered by the American company Alexander and Alexander after it bought the company .
23 We have four main areas all spoiled by litter and stalls .
24 In so far as the poor did not crowd into the old central districts abandoned by their betters , their dwellings were built by small speculative builders , often little more than artisans , or by the constructors of those gaunt , overflowing tenement blocks expressively known in German as ‘ rent barracks ’ ( Mietskasernen ) .
25 Cold , wet , tired shepherds , — trudging round at the dead of night — newborn lambs already suffering from exposure and ewes with wet coats often unable to give borderline lambs that vital warmth which makes all the difference .
26 loss or damage to caravan equipment including fixtures , 3 fittings , awnings , utensils , furniture and furnishings therein caused by theft or attempted theft
27 As in the rats not pretreated with vehicle or capsaicin ( Table ) , histological injury of grade III had almost disappeared and grade II injury was significantly reduced in vehicle pretreated animals 180 minutes after ethanol ( Fig 3 ) .
28 Any such attempt will necessarily result in a segmented Community with some countries further progressing towards integration while others become satellite economies .
29 But if the lizards ever took to forest or crag life , the fringes would be a preadaptation to leaping and parachuting , and — perhaps — a nudge towards the evolution of gliding , independently of the modern flying lizard draco volans .
30 There is also the supplementary point that very commonly the " web-groups that are thus linked together treat their solidarity as deriving from common substance , in contrast to the alliances , which link " we " and " they " , which rest on obligations periodically expressed in gift-giving and services .
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