Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [verb] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Let us now turn to one of the definitions most favoured in the literature , albeit mostly in an implicit form .
2 In some ways employers effectively connived with the unions in sustaining costly work practices .
3 It might finally be observed that in its short life , Article 100A , which derogates from Article 100 by allowing the Council to act by qualified majority in co-operation with the European Parliament in order to complete the internal market , has already been used to anticipate new competences expressly recognized in the Maastricht amendments : two of these relate to the encouragement of ‘ trans-European networks ’ and measures in the sphere of energy , yet Article 100A had already been used to enact Council Directive 90/547 on the transit of electricity through transmission grids and Council Directive 91/287 on the transit of natural gas through grids .
4 This may not strike some of you as unusual but in my area silver coins rarely come from the ground in their natural colour ; they are usually black or slightly grey .
5 The woods worst affected by the storms were those with mainly uniform , planted stands of trees , whereas those comprising trees of different ages and species were better able to withstand the high winds .
6 The gradual extension of the state 's role in crime control certainly affected some sorts of crime , particularly property crime , but government institutions rarely worked in the ways intended by higher officials .
7 Antennae keenly tuned by the hopes of lucrative business , the new director , Bernard Herdan , was quoted in the Independent on Sunday as looking forward to even greater wonders : ‘ The day is not too far distant when we will be able to tell the ordinary public whether it is going to rain in their street within the next hour . ’
8 Are any weatherproof switches properly protected from the elements ?
9 Environmental groups successfully appealed against the issue of the general permit , and in July 1987 , won an injunction which cut short the salmon season for the drift-net fleet .
10 November 2 , 1978 The solicitors successfully appealed to the House of Lords and the third party notice was restored .
11 The principal matter discussed by Kaifu during his tour of the region was the apportionment of Japanese financial support to those states worst affected by the crisis , the scale of which was intended to demonstrate Japan 's commitment to opposing the Iraqi action , even though the country was debarred by its Constitution from any overseas military involvement .
12 I make it my business to acquaint myself with where objects properly belong in a house .
13 In his speech on Sept. 25 , United States President Bush welcomed the creation of a Gulf Crisis Financial Co-ordination Committee [ see below ] charged with providing emergency relief to front-line states most affected by the crisis .
14 Nicholas pretended that Hungarian forces were being used in the Polish interest : " both Austrians and Russians skilfully manoeuvred with the assertion that the Hungarian Revolution was not a Hungarian national movement , but a Polish plot against the Russian State " .
15 Notice that the patterns rarely fall on the downbeat .
16 The new regime 's most determined opponents eventually emerged as the Mujahedin-e-Khalq , led by Mas'ud Rajavi who established a base in Paris for some years and was reported in 1986 to have made his way to Baghdad .
17 There is also a rough correlation between the groups most hit by the austerity measures and those in the vanguard of the strikes .
18 In the 1992 election campaign , Jagan performed a political volte face , promising to continue with the free market policies latterly pursued by the PNC government , including the privatization of state enterprises , in order to attract foreign investment .
19 But other oil producing countries have claimed such taxes only contribute to the state revenues of rich , oil-consuming countries while reducing the earnings of developing countries dependent on oil exports .
20 This model has much in common with the dichotomy between ‘ post-material ’ versus ‘ traditional ’ attitudes much debated on the Continent ( van de Kaa 1987 ) .
21 Soviet spokesmen could argue that although the USSR had for decades proselytised the notion of a national liberation or solidarity ‘ front ’ of Third World states , aligned at least politically to the Soviet bloc , it had not created regional groupings or coalitions of states militarily tied to the USSR or the Warsaw Pact and it had supported the opposition of the non-aligned states to military blocs .
22 Nevertheless , among the middle class , there were few institutions so revered as the schools , and their influence in clubs was held to be of great consequence as reformers regularly called for public-school men to come forward to work in the clubs .
23 Two religious groups swiftly manoeuvred to the front of the pack : the Roman Catholic church , led by Cardinal John O'Connor , and the Christian Coalition , a group of fundamentalists loyal to Pat Robertson .
24 The Germans naturally excelled at a style developed by themselves ; most commonly this was a simplification of Gothic features .
25 All these activities suddenly came to an end when Chiang Kai-shek broke with the Communists after the USSR had tried to take over the KMT .
26 Although these activities only relate to a fraction of the total number of UK library authorities , it may be hoped that they foreshadow a revival of interest in an essential and much neglected component of the book provision process .
27 ( 4 ) The purpose of the subsection is to make it clear that the extension of the permitted hours only applies to the part of the premises set apart for the consumption of main meals by a person having a table meal there .
28 It will offer the spine of News and Current Affairs programmes so appreciated by the Radio 4 audience : Today , The World At One , PM , the 6 O'Clock News and The World Tonight will be there , on both networks .
29 Only Rayne , standing on the stairs with his fingers idly drumming on the lid of a tin of Scottish shortbread , still looked as sleek as he had before the siege .
30 As the weeks passed she became accustomed to seeing Luke already at his desk when she arrived , immaculately suited , his dark head , with that one dramatic streak of white hair , perfectly groomed , his long , square-tipped fingers idly toying with a gold fountain-pen as he frowned over his mail .
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