Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] had [adv] [been] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Many , for example , talked about the gangs they had once been involved in but these gangs , if they remained at all , were not , as one Town Boy said , ‘ a shadow of what they used to be ’ .
2 For months it had apparently been common knowledge ; something to be tutted over and discussed in hushed tones that stopped abruptly whenever she entered the common-room .
3 By touring South Africa , one third of tour proceeds will be spent on developing rugby in those areas which had previously been disadvantaged .
4 Areas which had previously been central to the stealing networks were affected .
5 In Portadown and Cookstown , RUC officers were driven out of their homes in areas which had once been safe because they were loyalist .
6 At school leaving age , parents who had previously been able to cope with a child attending or possibly boarding at a special school are faced with the continuing prospect of full time life with their mentally handicapped son or daughter who may be unable to find a place in a training centre or enter full time education .
7 At the time of my visits there had already been considerable changes in terms of staffing and resources in line with advisers ' recommendations .
8 In 1847 Darby and other Brethren who had previously been critical , both of his eschatology and his authoritarian style of leadership , accused Newton of Christological heresy .
9 The widespread power cuts to factories which had then been necessary had caused nearly 15 per cent of the UK workforce to be laid off and were estimated to have cost some £200 millions of vital production .
10 The Westernizers and Slavophiles who had hitherto been able to voice their opinions only with extreme caution embarked upon a deliberate policy of circulating handwritten memoranda .
11 For two years she had hardly been sane .
12 In six years she had never been able to cultivate that devil-may-care attitude that seemed to characterise the gentleman at the Feathers .
13 ‘ I met with it ’ , Gould recalled , ‘ in various parts of New South Wales , and on the plains of the interior , still it is by no means abundant , and persons who had long been resident in the colony knew little about it .
14 Strangely , she felt more resentful of this lady 's peremptory commands than she ever had of those of the merchants ' wives she had previously been obliged to swallow .
15 By means of the co-operatives patients who had previously been subject to institutional peonage — payment of token wages in exchange for hospital work — have been able to earn wages comparable with those in the wider economy .
16 This " self-determination " speech , as it became known , was probably the most important that he delivered during the Algerian conflict — not because it expressed radically new ideas , but because it expressed openly and in concrete terms what had hitherto been implicit .
17 He also concluded that in most cases they had simply been wrong .
18 From a therapeutic aspect , penicillin was marvellous because it cured many dangerous bacterial infections , but it was tiresome because it was inactive by mouth ( it was destroyed by the acidity of the stomach contents ) , it acted for a very short time ( it was rapidly excreted by the kidneys ) and so was of little value unless given by injection at intervals of not longer than 3 hours , and because , after a time , the normal processes of evolution led to the appearance of resistant strains of the microbes which had previously been sensitive to penicillin .
19 When Clifford Smyth was persuaded to resign from the DUP , he also felt obliged to leave the Free Presbyterian Church , not because the leadership of the Church suggested it , but because he felt a tension between himself and other congregation members who had previously been political colleagues .
20 Gorbachev had no doubt that the socialist choice in October 1917 had been the right one ; nor could Marx be blamed for subsequent developments he had obviously been unable to foresee .
21 so far this year , packed chlorine sales are running at 160% of budget and ICI Watercare have been able to supply new overseas markets which had previously been impossible because of the shortage of packages .
22 From Pepita 's symptoms he had rapidly been able to diagnose what kind of spider had bitten her and administer the antidote to its poison .
23 The open fields themselves had always been subject to piecemeal enclosure , even as early as the fourteenth century .
24 At the same time , using retaliatory import tariffs and other protective measures , the Dutch government was able to give something of a boost to a number of Dutch industries which had previously been weak or languishing .
25 Basically , the local authority suspended improvement grants which had previously been available because it was considered that these areas might be cleared in order to meet ‘ the necessity for new housing development being provided to the south of Saville Street to contribute to the success of the proposed new shopping centre ’ ( Town Improvement Committee , 8 March 1971 ) .
26 Papers which had hitherto been forthright thus became slavish and sycophantic .
27 But the fastest increase took place among women who had never been married .
28 It is true that the Whigs did their best to exploit the Jacobite " bogey " , and their demands for an oath requiring peers , MPs and office-holders to abjure allegiance to James II and then the Old Pretender caused some embarrassment to those Tories who had only been prepared to recognise William as de facto King .
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