Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] would [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Among the measures adopted during the session was the creation of two special peacekeeping units which would relieve the armed and security forces .
2 The cause of Northern Ireland must be greater than the individual and it would mean a very unfavourable hearing for many government speakers which would give the wrong impression .
3 During the debate of the previous two years , it seemed that LEAs would be asked to identify a number of measures to be applied to schools which would allow the wider public to assess the progress of a given school , year on year , and the differences between schools in the area .
4 ‘ After the tent blew down we renegotiated the situation so that for 11 performances they would receive the same fee .
5 Ghosh and Senko put forward an interpolation search in place of the track or lowest-level index , and showed that for normal key distributions it would improve the direct retrieval performance of IS files .
6 A cornerstone of its manifesto in 1979 was to introduce policies which would release the wealth-generating powers of the free-market system .
7 The Law Society , recognising that savings have to be found , has put together a package of proposals which would give the looked-for savings but would not have the damaging effects of the Government 's plans .
8 I do not believe that it is possible to produce a predictive model of code switching , in other words , to derive inductively a set of rules which would predict the actual code of any " next utterance " in a conversation .
9 This enabled him to look forward with confidence to continued improvements which would put the British plants back at the top of the performance league , where they used to be , and where they belonged .
10 Many of the small , trim villages owe their neatness to the desire of eighteenth-century landowners to add picturesque touches to their estates , moving employees tidily into settlements which would enhance the lordly view , or establishing small industrial and ‘ tradesman ’ villages .
11 Examples were sown of the style of vestments worn when High Mass was celebrated — when the celebrant would have the assistance of Deacons who would wear the Dalmatic .
12 So , for The Courts she would wear the old black coat with the large pockets at the side holding the narrow strips of candy rock in one and the coppers in the other .
13 At other times she would have the odd sensation that they were shouting at her , through a megaphone , from a rowing-boat that was pulling swiftly away towards a distant ship .
14 One , published in Paris in 1693 , brought together in six volumes all the treaties made since 1435 by the kings of France , while simultaneously Leibniz , the most complete intellectual of the age , tried in his Codex Juris Gentium Diplomaticus ( 1693 ) and Mantissa Codicis ( 1700 ) to provide collections which would form the legal basis for improved international relations and a more united society of states in Europe .
15 ‘ You do n't wash your feet and put them on the dirty floor , do you ? ’ he asked as he got ready for the guests who would soothe the painful passage towards the critics .
16 The only way to change the Court was to wait for the justices ( of whom there were nine ) either to die or retire , and appoint replacements who would support the New Deal .
17 Contingents of Saudi , North Yemeni , Sudanese and Emirates soldiers were to operate with the Syrian army to provide a semblance of pan-Arab unity , but it was Syrian armour and Syrian troops who would occupy the Lebanese capital .
18 It was the policy of Henry III , moreover , to dislodge ecclesiastical and lay magnates from the great offices of state , and to replace them by Household officials who would make the central administration a more pliant instrument of his will .
19 What is certain is that we need to recapture the vision of the primitive church , for if only we could drag ourselves away from our television sets and unhook our headphones from our portable stereos we would hear the clear call to arms .
20 When my mother and I called on him he said that if we could wait a few days he would find the right frame and have it stove-enamelled black .
21 When the old person is in a family , complex and as yet unresolved issues are raised concerning the introduction of legal powers which would enable the abused person to be removed .
22 Like Franck 's music , Ashton 's dance flows onwards in simple lines and phrases , each one is of equal value to the whole , neither pianist , nor orchestra , nor dancers indulge in virtuoso passages which would destroy the solemn serenity of the design .
23 The move would create seven powerful purchasing consortia which would secure the best deals for patients in the region .
24 Developing a ‘ collaborative classroom ’ did not mean suddenly insisting that everyone works together all the time ( as some teachers fear may happen if enthusiasm for ‘ group work ’ gets out of hand ) , but rather creating conditions which would allow the collective resources of the group to be used to support and enhance across the whole range of classroom activity .
25 In particular the vendor should check for cross default provisions which would affect the other companies in the vendor 's group .
26 From the trade unionists ' viewpoint the effect of Quinn v. Leathem was seriously to curtail their power to operate in ways which would strengthen the working-class movement against employers .
27 If we were to take a formal view of the entailments of such a declarative sentence ( like that , for example , expressed in Smith & Wilson , 1979 : 150f. ) , we would be obliged to accept as entailments a set of sentences which would include the following :
28 In terms of equilibrium theory , Bukharin was concerned that the existing , and fragile , equilibrium should not be destroyed by untoward leaps which would threaten the Soviet regime .
29 In practice the trailblazers lack international support to assist them in developing serious education tools to further information and debates which would provide the right climate for social change .
30 Weber favoured presidential-style government because it encouraged the ratification of charisma by the masses , and enhanced the prospects of electing leaders who would disturb the routinized bureaucratic operations of modern states .
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