Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] have [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Forget all the images you have of little plastic boxes and bored housewives .
2 The skills of salesmanship and political demagogy are virtually the only methods we have for changing perception .
3 The result is that there are books on many library shelves which have at one time been declared obscene or indecent and may be so categorized again .
4 Dr Nancy Harrison , RSPB marine policy officer , said : ‘ Any information about the use of gill nets and the effects they have on marine life , will help us to understand the true extent and nature of the problem , and to identify any trouble spots . ’
5 The manner and extent to which safety recommendations are followed up is an area where there is considerable room for improvement on the part of the many regulating authorities who have to some extent misjudged the degree of public anxiety on this subject .
6 Obtaining frankness within families about the feelings and expectations they have of each other can be mutually beneficial .
7 Erm , I work for Scottish Women 's Football and the plans we have for this year erm , shall hopefully encourage more women to come into the sport .
8 Ah , Elizabeth — what memories I have of that show .
9 The basic figures we have for this emigration — 100,000 prisoners of war brought from Palestine into Egypt by Ptolemy I ( Aristeas 12–14 ) and 1,000,000 Jews in Egypt at the time of Philo ( in Flacc. 43 ) — are almost certainly both false .
10 I mean , one of the commonest things we have in this area is with the bogus officials who pretend to be something they 're not .
11 It looks and functions like the back-up battery packs they have on those Security cameras , but there 's more to it than that .
12 And he propounded evidence that a great many of the ailments we have in modern society have to do with the way we construct our buildings .
13 To win one of the 10 pairs of tickets we have for each show , simply complete this Shamen hit : Move Any … …
14 The Regional Council would like to thank the following organisations for their co-operation during the design and construction of the Gilmerton Bypass : and all others who have in any way contributed to this project .
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