Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [was/were] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Training hurt and it was always a battle to force myself out , but after six months I was managing sixty miles a week and sometimes doing fifteen miles non-stop in a hundred minutes .
2 Ashley gazed up into dark brown eyes which were sending intimate messages and telling her everything she had been longing to hear .
3 Glenn Hoddle says he thinks his team will win because there is a determination running throughout the club and the supporters who were robbed three years ago and could have gone on for another fifty or sixty years waiting a chance like this …
4 Two maintenance gangs who were working one night some distance apart on a section of track noticed a mysterious light between them but despite searching the area nothing could be found to explain the phenomenon .
5 It was not a cause of poor economic performance ; it was yet another consequence of the attitudes which were shaping that performance .
6 These were the attitudes which were to gain official acceptance after the change in British Communist leadership in December 1929 .
7 But the collapse of the junk-bond market is a big blow to the scores of companies which were planning new offerings .
8 As these prices fluctuated , for example after the end of the Korean war boom , there was widespread unrest — often in resistance to well-meant price stabilisation funds set up by the colonial power — and out of this unrest arose movements which were to become nationalist parties and national liberation struggles .
9 They joined doctors and parents who were celebrating ten years of research into Rhesus disease.Nick Clark reports .
10 ‘ Where are the four Marine Commandos who were killed this evening ? ’
11 It was the enlightened afrancesados who were to confuse political issues by their peculiar relation to liberalism .
12 Her misery was made complete because she was separated from her two sons who were flying first class .
13 Okay Although I 'm referring to Gibson 's work , I mean this was typical of the time , there were a number of other researchers who were using similar ideas and notations .
14 The targets I was given last year in my appraisal were n't covered at all this year in my appraisal by the manager ,
15 And as an apprentice you , I was a year there for nothing , a ye , half a year for half a crown , half a year for five shillings , and at the end of five years I was earning fourteen shillings .
16 Over the years I was to meet Irish women who , unable to stand the barrages of racism , distorted and changed their accents in order to pass .
17 Er it seems it seems that there were a lot of students , from one of the bigger un er er top class universities which were handling this train , er but er there were quite a few er things done , some of them I would think dangerous .
18 Three subsequent laboratory studies , however , have failed to show any overall improvement in recognition sensitivity for films which were given high risk ratings .
19 An underground nuclear test in January 1989 near Semipalatinsk ( Kazakhstan ) sparked off local protests which were given formal support by the Kazakhstan Supreme Soviet in November .
20 I mean seven years continual dredging for seven years apart from a month they in dock and you were taking out eight hundred tonne every hopper load and some days you were doing five loads and sometimes four loads , was a lot of mud we dumped so much mud out at erm near the Cork Lightship , now you would think they would level theirself off would n't you and if they did n't that up .
21 She flung the fork down , looking daggers at him , and continued : ‘ The house she lived in during the war received a direct hit , and for two days she was buried alive nursing a glass vase belonging to her mother .
22 After their stumblings against Norwich and Blackburn this was the mean-hearted fired-up Gunners who were made 3-1 title favourites by the bookies .
23 According to Mr Gorman , one of the main grievances is the minimal redundancy packages given to the 67 Albion workers who were sacked two weeks ago : ‘ We will be pushing the case for adequate recompense for workers who lost their jobs .
24 ‘ In the early days we were buying more paperback rights from other hardback publishers , because even five years ago there were more hardback publishers around that you could buy from .
25 ‘ The poems we was reading last year , Mr Randolph . ’
26 In those days it was considered bad form even to slap you on the back .
27 Nor can it be wholly explained by the employment changes which were pushing greater numbers of people into the market irrespective of wage trends .
28 They were part of a prize-winning herd of more than 80 cattle which was founded 5 years ago .
29 There were two key components to this , there were things that er were labelled feature demons and there were things which were labelled cognitive demons .
30 The Conference is the forum where Resolutions which were submitted last December and which were discussed at over 50 District Meetings around the country since then were finally put to the vote of the delegates and , if passed , thereby became a cornerstone of Association policy .
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