Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [vb mod] [adv] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Bernheim 's results suggested that he had found some substances which were good for tubercle bacilli , and , by applying the principle of competitive antagonism , he sought closely related compounds which would also be taken up by them but would block the pathway of the stimulants .
2 Lesion studies have their own problems of interpretation , while other methods which might conceivably be used to establish cerebral dominance , such as dichaptic stimulation and the dual-task technique , have not been validated nor widely adopted in experiments with large numbers of left handers .
3 ( a ) Have you discovered any methods which can now be used to investigate another text or author ?
4 This sort of personal experience adds a potent deterrent effect to more objective considerations which may already be swaying lenders against a particular group or class of potential customers .
5 Video pictures are recorded in the form of overlapping magnetic signals which can not be cut and respliced without severely disrupting the pictures when the tape is played back .
6 Therefore , we believe that the introduction of the issue of human rights and respect for human dignity into the education system and the adoption of measures aimed at promoting these values are essential steps which can not be postponed . ’
7 The strategy involves several steps which can usefully be discussed within a fivefold typology .
8 MicroPROLOG lends itself particularly well to the construction of databases which can then be interrogated in a number of different ways .
9 Ideology is , therefore , a solution in the mind to contradictions which can not be solved in practice ; it is the necessary projection in consciousness of man 's practical inabilities .
10 Earlier , Conte had defended his decision to limit to two the number of political parties which would initially be allowed to function under the promised multiparty system , saying that the CMRN rejected " both any anarchic multiparty system that divides the people , and a single party that leads to individual or group dictatorship " .
11 It is suggested that it is unsatisfactory to allow the rent to be fixed in reliance on assertions made by the parties which can not be challenged by cross examination , and where the expert is not to be given an opportunity of seeing and evaluating the quality of the witnesses .
12 The buyer 's concerns here are that these items be properly used and cared for by the seller , that they be used only for the purposes of the sub-contract ( ie that the seller does not use them to make goods for third parties which can then be sold by them in competition with the buyer ) , and that they be returned to him at the end of the sub-contract .
13 The blurred boundaries of public and private have created many new ethical dilemmas for managers and also increased the possibilities for corruption and misuse of public funds which can only be addressed by clear working principles and codes of procedure .
14 Although the visitor 's position is anomalous , it provides a valuable machinery for resolving internal disputes which should not be lost .
15 As the season of goodwill gets into full swing , Jill Papworth looks at some presents which will still be appreciated on Boxing Day .
16 As the season of goodwill gets into full swing , Jill Papworth looks at some presents which will still be appreciated on Boxing Day .
17 Being a major shareholder or a director was rather like holding some honorific office within the community ; it brought its own private and social satisfactions which could not be measured financially .
18 Aggregation results in mixed or compound Poisson distributions which can not be fitted by standard methods .
19 The relationships are transitive , i.e. a related module may have its own relationships which will also be preserved — and so on to any depth , so that :
20 But undoubtedly he was right on the mark when he wrote in his essay on Thomas Parnell some words which might aptly be applied to many writers at present being collected :
21 using small spaces between letters and larger spaces between words which can easily be distinguished by the recogniser , the following was often found :
22 There are certain words which can not be pronounced using the GPC route , however , and these are words with irregular grapheme-to-phoneme correspondences .
23 Subjects which could not be mentioned without deception , because of the insufferable restraints to which he is subject , are consequently omitted entirely .
24 There will always be subjects which can only be handled by referring them to apparently independent adjudicators outside government .
25 Making a video record of the drive both makes it possible to check the accuracy of memories and to record driving variables which may also be related to memory .
26 Diffusing knowledge and acquiring it are as much an art as a science , processes influenced by variables which can not be measured as much as by those which can .
27 The general theory of the second best then provides the unhelpful result that it is not necessarily better to move prices in those sectors which can easily be adjusted , so as to align more closely with marginal cost .
28 I am delighted that it is possible to use this program to produce designs which can then be imported into DesignaKnit and used for knitting .
29 Such examination and statement should be made without regard to any opinion as to the merit , or demerits of the drawings or designs which should not be taken into consideration or referred to .
30 These genes are the mechanism by which information arriving at the cell nucleus is translated into instructions for the later synthesis of key structural proteins — that is , proteins which will eventually be inserted into the synaptic membrane so as to change its structure and shape .
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