Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [vb mod] [verb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Such individuals , who would be described as good readers , are able to use the preceding context to reduce the number of possible words which could occur at the end of the sentence , making use of many sources of information and not relying exclusively upon any one source .
2 In cross-section ( Fig. 3 ) , the wound front generally has a rounded or only slightly angular profile , rather than the flattened cellular protrusions one might expect at a leading edge that was actively crawling forwards over the exposed mesenchyme .
3 There were several youngsters in the chorus playing understudies who would jump at the chance of having a stab at Sonja .
4 She had come to look forward to the intervals between tenants , for at such times she would sit at the bedroom window that overlooked the street , which sloped swiftly to the main thoroughfare ; and guided by the landmarks of St Dominic 's church and , beyond that , St Ann 's , she could look over the chimney pots and catch a glimpse of the river gleaming between the busy traffic on it .
5 The delivery because it gave me what I had to think about when I was up there language body language and then the playbacks I could look at the two things that Mike just highlighted as one and two .
6 In this chapter , I describe some of the tricks you can perform at a party to increase interest , particularly if you do not have an entertainer .
7 Because of the kudos it can bring at the golf club , once there they are hard to dislodge .
8 When we see those proposals we shall arrive at a judgment .
9 The timely award of an extension of time may avoid problems which might arise at a later stage when a contractor submits a claim for taking extraordinary measures to recover lost time owing to the late issue of an instruction , for example .
10 I discovered that with our video : we tape things we could watch at the time , just to prove , I suppose that video recorders are wonderful things .
11 The edges I should say at the , at the roll ?
12 A form of extendible hashing that does not suffer from oscillations and is claimed to outperform most indexing methods , was reported by Lomet He named the method bounded index exponential hashing ; it is not strictly a direct technique , and suffers from the drawback that the file packing density is generally low , but offers many advantages for files which can grow at a rate that can not be accommodated in a static system .
13 Trivial or shallow , in particular , are criticisms levelled at young women for their concern over their appearance ; one of the worst current insults you can throw at an actress or pop star is that she 's a bimbo — concerned only with her looks and nothing else .
14 My present house model leaves at the end of the month and there are plenty of girls who would jump at the chance . ’
15 These and a hundred other scenes one may witness at the departure of an important train such as this .
16 And nobody Even the church I mean I know the church ca n't agree on anything at the moment , we 're sitting here just down the road of course , the general synod of the church of whatsit and the archbishop of thingummybob is sitting there over their muesli and cornflakes I should imagine at the moment , or a late brunch , erm n not saying anything .
17 In the next few sections I will look at the characteristics of LE as used by the black community , with respect to vocabulary , grammar and accent .
18 It does strike me though as a that A that one of the basic points is that if this is going in as structure plan guidance then we have to be satisfied that these are in fact criteria which can operate at the strategic level .
19 The numbers in square brackets give one or more destination numbers , which refer to the line numbers of the sets of candidate letters which can follow at the next character position .
20 Red Cross workers in Oxford are preparing beds and fixing up catering for the evacuees who can stay at the centre for anything up to four months .
21 They 're the ones who can look at the files .
22 If you could n't afford the original records , there were smaller ones you could buy at the Woolworths in the King 's Road , which sounded quite like .
23 Well they know that , and if there 's a machine that 'll do the job , and if , when they 've pressed the right buttons they can look at the answer and say ‘ Yes , three point four 's about right ’ and so on , then that 's good enough for me .
24 As an advocate of the STV has observed , if an MP is " forced by the system to spend his working hours worrying about the number of first-preference votes he will get at the next election , and many of his sleeping hours dreaming about them , he or she will work harder than ever for constituents ' "
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