Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [modal v] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He had n't slept in a bed like that before , yet there were all those advertisements for them on television , and they were on display in shop windows and in almost all the big stores in London so that I 'd imagined them in all the houses I could see from the bus .
2 ‘ If I was in the same situation again 100 times I would come for the same punch and back myself to clear the ball every time ’
3 I remember once , yeah it was like that , yeah that 's right , not one , but a few times I used to get on the train from Runcorn to Liverpool , I had an address to go to in Liverpool , rough directions how to get there , to pick up a suit or to pick up a fitting , you know you 'd get the , the different
4 And if I want to hear inane rat-tat-tats I 'll go to the jungle and listen to the crickets .
5 If I open my eyes I 'll fall into the sky ! ’
6 ‘ I was under no illusions I would walk into the team here , ’ he said .
7 I always wondered if they were his demons or familiars which could scuttle along the walls to listen for treason and search out conspiracy .
8 Methods which might fall within the ambit of the research are quality management techniques based on agreed standards ( e.g. BS5750 ) , more holistic techniques such as ‘ Total Quality Management ’ , the development of indices of student and employer satisfaction , and the development of qualitative performance indicators ( including value added ) .
9 They were organizations which could operate on the one hand on the electorate and on the other on the MPs , thus directly influencing policy .
10 However , some animals have developed eyes which can cope with the transition from air to water .
11 The state 's function , par excellence , is to manage potential crises which may occur in the economy , in its own fiscal resources , or in the legitimacy of existing social arrangements .
12 I can not remember that particular meeting — nor am I very proud of it — but the point illustrates the sometimes passionate disputes which can erupt during the annual public-spending negotiations .
13 They like the idea of design shops which might cater for the plentiful supply of individuals with small gardens and several thousand pounds to spend .
14 They , for instance , display in self-deportment great tranquillity , or mastery of emotions ; for one of their greatest duties is to create the tranquil relationships which would allow for the work of building community , and therefore for its wealth .
15 Such individuals , who would be described as good readers , are able to use the preceding context to reduce the number of possible words which could occur at the end of the sentence , making use of many sources of information and not relying exclusively upon any one source .
16 Therefore other metabolic abnormalities have been sought in diabetic subjects which might contribute to the increased vascular risk .
17 Using existing data sets , it will make initial estimates of the scale of any effect which low incomes might have on the health if the elderly in Britain , and go on to assess the likely role of some intervening variables which might account for the close correlation between income distribution and longevity in developed countries .
18 Marketing activity is being targeted on central and eastern Europe and the Company considering setting up an office in Seoul to take advantage of new business opportunities which could arise from the signing of a bilateral agreement between the UK and Korean Governments .
19 Imagine the deluge of writs and summonses which would cascade upon the courts from creditors jostling to get to the front of the queue .
20 They were to make perambulations , distinguishing between those districts which ought to remain in the forest , and those which ought to be put out .
21 Little shrubs like Genista hispanica or Hebe ‘ Broughton Dome ’ make compact green boulder shapes which will contrast with the looser forms of Genista lydia — smothered in acid yellow blooms in early summer — and silvery cotton lavender , , santolina .
22 ‘ They had to be believable as the kind of kids you 'd see on the streets , but not on TV .
23 Other animals you might spot in the woodlands are red squirrels and roe deer .
24 Jean would appreciate a note from you about what royalties she might expect in the near future , remembering she 's had a 500 advance .
25 A machine to lift cleaners to the atrium 's 258 panes of glass would cost £70,000 so the owners have contacted a team of four Coventry abseilers who will hang beside the windows to do the cleaning work .
26 If the hotel accepts too many block bookings that could possibly result in the loss of other reservations from clients who may return to the hotel on regular basis .
27 They have conducted a number of Antique Roadshows in different part of the diocese , and would be pleased to hear from parish secretaries who would like to the come to the parishes .
28 a ) Circle all the words you can find in the word square , count them and fill in your total in the space on the form .
29 The largest tortoises you will see in the park are descended from specimens from Aldabra Island in the Indian Ocean .
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