Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [pron] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Like the half-caste kids them they used to left me alone .
2 Many Frenchmen whom I met on several occasions at the Training Centre at Achnacarry and on the South Coast of England had also gone , either killed or wounded .
3 No longer hiding behind the screen memories , the stories told to us by others , we began to unpick our social and psychic formations , within the support and containment , permission-giving and encouragement to take risks which we offered to each other .
4 Addressing the 12 heads of government at the start of the Strasbourg summit , Mr Enrique Baron , the Spanish Socialist who is Lord Henry Plumb 's successor as president of the parliament , urged the leaders to go all the way towards full European union provided it is ‘ based on the characteristics which we share in common — those of parliamentary democracy ’ .
5 Where , for instance , the characteristics which he attributes to oral communication persist in a society with literacy , and would thus appear to undermine the case for the ‘ intrinsic ’ qualities of literacy , Goody draws a further distinction which enables him to maintain the purity of his ideal model .
6 They eat plants and animals which they kill with poisoned arrows .
7 Others spend their ill-gotten gains on fast chariots which they race against each other , trying to outdo their rivals by having the fastest or flashiest machine .
8 The duels between these two groups were fought with knives which they carried in small scabbards on their belts , and it was only some time later that the rival school 's knockout tactics were discovered .
9 It features new stone sculptures intended to be shown outdoors as well as in the gallery , a new red ‘ Void ’ from that continuing series of wall sculptures , one of which was shown in Kapoor 's pavilion at the Venice Biennale in 1990 , and material related to the stage designs which he made for recent performances by dancer Laurie Booth at the Queen Elizabeth Hall .
10 Trade unions had been growing throughout the nineteenth century but they were still without those distinctive legal privileges which they acquired in 1906 .
11 I remember the books which I read in that time with a great love .
12 Two other books which he wrote at this time were to cause him serious trouble .
13 Darwin delighted in the exquisite adaptations which he saw in living creatures , as Paley and other natural theologians had done before him : contemplating fossils ( or nature generally ) could bring pleasure or pain depending on one 's temperament and state .
14 John was full of invention , always making up steps and sequences which he called by odd names : for instance a stamping step he called ‘ Sherman tanks ’ , which he devised for the zephyrs in Primavera and used again for the unicorns in Harlequin in April .
15 The great Florenz Ziegfeld saw the forty-eight Girls in the Folies-Bergère in Paris and took them under contract for a six month spell into his own Follies which he extended to three years .
16 Hi Jinks had an awesome range of martial skills which she practiced on small children .
17 In this case it is clear that the original excavators included only those coins which they deemed of sufficient importance for publication .
18 Officers showed us two-and-a-half thousand Russian icons which they seized in two swoops on illegal exporters .
19 Unlike the other activities which we describe in this section , there was no outsider initiative , input or audience in relation to the efforts of this school 's staff .
20 Unfortunately , this would be to empty the term of most of the meanings which it carries in actual discourse .
21 Kenneth More told me of the unfortunate happenings on the set of The Mercenaries which he made in 1966 in Jamaica with Hollywood star ( though Australian born ) Rod Taylor and American football star Jim Brown .
22 Many people use them to build up a tax-free fund for youngsters which they get at 18 or 21 , although you are restricted to one scheme per person .
23 That alliance promised the prospect of a kingdom in the areas which they wrested from Ottoman control .
24 Mayne personally , together with the patrols which he led with such skill and dash , almost certainly destroyed , during some fourteen months of constant raids from desert bases deep behind enemy lines , more aircraft than any fighter ace on either side in World War II .
25 He gave her chips which she ate with great deliberation .
26 In this way people who would not in fact have been risky themselves , because of personal or background circumstances which they share with genuine bad payers , join those bad payers in a ‘ credit ghetto ’ where credit — if they can get it at all — costs too much .
27 ‘ Seek the cloister ’ ; ‘ stay safe in port ’ : these were the precepts which he gave to those who desired true freedom .
28 Certainly the lectures which he delivered in 1944 — " Johnson as Critic and Poet " at University College , Bangor , " What Is Minor Poetry ? " to the Association of Bookmen in Swansea , " What Is A Classic ? " to the Virgil Society , of which he was president — are not among his best , the latter seeming particularly forced and mechanical .
29 The Oxford lectures which he gave at this time were eventually to be published as The Discarded Image , perhaps the most completely satisfying and impressive book he ever published .
30 Here , as elsewhere ( Bittner 1965 ) , we seem to have been misled by an essentialist definitional procedure which concentrates on the differences between phenomena and neglects those other matters which they have in common .
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