Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [verb] [verb] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In three minutes I managed to put out the whole fire , and the lovely old building was safe .
2 Among the lexical units which go to make up a lexeme it is possible to distinguish some that are more basic , or central , and others that are less so .
3 It has been self-consciously policy-oriented and has fed directly into the political debate with a series of prescriptions which involve cutting back the activities of the state and changing the nature of democracy in Britain .
4 Following the elections to the Basque parliament on Oct. 28 , 1990 , the formation of a new regional government had been delayed for three months due to the breakdown of talks between the two parties which had made up the previous governing coalition — the Basque Nationalist Party ( PNV ) , which had emerged as the largest single party , with 22 seats , and the Basque Socialist Party ( PSE-PSOE ) which had been beaten into second place .
5 The Unitarian minister and editor Edwin Chapman underlined that desire to overcome separation when in his thanksgiving sermon on Emancipation Day in 1834 he proclaimed that it was the Christian principle evinced by all the sects and parties which had brought on the victory .
6 While acknowledging that there were some schools which had built up a good range of resources and had successfully integrated their school library with the teaching and learning taking place in the school , it appeared at this time that many demonstrated one or all of the following basic problems :
7 Those schools which had built up a good resource collection appeared to have allocated additional capitation to the school library or to have raised extra funds from other sources .
8 During the second half of the sixteenth century , hundreds of medieval sculptures and carved images of saints were destroyed or removed , the colourful wall-paintings which had decorated most churches were whitewashed , stained glass was shattered or taken away , and the rood lofts which had held up the great crucifixes and figures of the Virgin Mary and St John were pulled down .
9 Many of the fragments which go to make up a scoria cone are individually big enough to be called ‘ blocks ’ or ‘ bombs ’ , according to the simple size classification .
10 1.2 It is tempting at this point to plunge straight into an account of the adjectival system and how it produces such results as those above ; and in fact we should state clearly at this point that readers who prefer to build up the picture piece by piece , assessing the validity of the connexion between data and theory by starting from the evidential end , may pass immediately to Chapter 2 without any disadvantage .
11 He would go to see Joseph Fouché personally , and explain the position to him : that he had uncovered a massive international conspiracy of Jews who planned to take over the whole of Europe .
12 He says that they need protection against baiters who try to dig up the sets .
13 In the event Mazzin was after the notebooks we 'd stuffed down the front of our pyjamas .
14 I , I er , o we had to get the ladders we had to go up the ladders did n't we ?
15 Over his pyjamas he had put on a new Fair Isle pullover which had been his mother 's Christmas present .
16 In other words it chooses to move up the Phillips curve from point A to a point such as point B which corresponds to its new perception of the ‘ optimal ’ unemployment inflation pair .
17 Through nominees he 'd bought up a major holding in the company .
18 The recruits themselves have taken on a new air of self-confidence .
19 The other major difference from the straightforward version is that the variable LR now stores a list of all rules which helped to set up the current state .
20 The number of Acts , statutory instruments , White and Green Papers , consultative documents , guidelines and codes of practice gives the impression of intense activity , and each period of office has been marked by major pieces of legislation affecting health and social services , and by Acts which have brought about the denationalisation of important sectors of industry .
21 While these various groups which went to make up the hierarchy were mutually interdependent , the basic principle on which society was organized was this formal system of ranking .
22 You may not be aware that excessive usage of the lifts does in fact cost the company a great deal of money , and in line with our cost-cutting efforts in other areas I have drawn up the following guidelines , which must be strictly adhered to from now on .
23 There are one or two passably funny lines which fail to make up a coherent , witty whole but are suddenly shot out from an invisible pea-shooter as if whipped from Ms Rudner 's stand-up routine .
24 Barakai commenced a fury of strokes which seemed to beat down the Manchu 's blade .
25 That 's the motto of car salesmen who have put up a gag board to amuse motorists .
26 Erm , as I mentioned with the group visitors we 've started up a branch action group fo specifically focused on the sort of branch issues .
27 One of Peter Freygood 's friends in Regina was a chap called Geoffrey Byrnes who had taken up a literary job in Chicago in 1935 .
28 Legal authorities who have taken over the case have imposed a blackout on information and until their investigations are complete and the case is ready to go to trial , probably in two to three months time , no-one can say how many fakes were involved , what their real value was , nor indeed how many people worked in the ring .
29 And she is also supporting vets who have set up a MASH-style medical unit for injured horses .
30 The pack also includes general guidance for employers and employees on the prevention of work-related musculo-skeletal disorders , and an assessment checklist designed to help most employers who have to carry out an assessment of their manual handling operations to do so quickly and at minimum cost .
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