Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] the [adj] [noun pl] who " in BNC.

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1 Edith qualified at the very first Medau Society Teachers ' Examination in 1955 , and carried on developing classes in Essex , all the time making openings for the new teachers who were beginning to emerge .
2 There is thus little duplication of Mr Williamson 's earlier Knights of the Iron Cross , and the entries for the 14 men who do appear in both volumes have been subsequently expanded .
3 The Brigadier beamed and the Brigade Major returned the salutes of the local dignitaries who had gathered on the pavement just outside the restaurant .
4 Easily hidden from the not-too-enquiring eyes of the local magistrates who were supposed to inspect the mill , frightening cruelties were inflicted by overseers whose sadism went unchecked .
5 The voices of the young women who enter the criminal justice system are even less likely to be heard than those of their male counterparts .
6 The remaining 69 seats were allocated according to votes cast for the national lists of the 27 parties who had collected enough signatures to be eligible .
7 They had a conversation of sorts with the two inebriates who had laughed at Joe 's opening remarks to them .
8 Seeing the flowers from tepees , the people gathered on the hill and sang and danced their thanks to the Great Spirits who had sent the blooms as a sign of their forgiveness .
9 Sir , — May I offer my sincere thanks to the many voters who so successfully supported the candidacy of Gerald Malone in Alton , Holybourne , Chawton and Beech .
10 Thanks were expressed to all members of committee for their help and support during the year with special thanks to the new members who had fitted in so well and had been willing to get involved in all the work of the committee … to the ex-officio members of the committee Councillor Mrs. B. Brereton , Councillor H.D.G. Fraser and G. Lightheart the community education officer .
11 Thanks were expressed to all members of committee for their help and support during the year with special thanks to the new members who had fitted in so well and had been willing to get involved in all the work of the committee … to the ex-officio members of the committee Councillor Mrs. B. Brereton , Councillor H.D.G. Fraser and G. Lightheart the community education officer .
12 Old Saul was the culprit , Old Saul had gone down in our history and my personal mythology as the Castraitor , but thanks to the little creatures who flew the creek I had him in my power now .
13 The Jacobite army , thanks to the numerous absentees who had gone foraging , numbered no more than 5000 , arranged in two ranks , with most of the Highlanders in front and the Irish and French in the rear .
14 Just after eleven , Loretta was handing out reading lists to the dozen students who wanted to attend her seminars on Virginia Woolf when there was a knock at the door .
15 A tall , powerfully built man with short hair and a well-trimmed moustache , he paid his respects to the young gangsters who were technically his enemies .
16 He had spent most of his life in England and admired both the feudal-system efficiency and military skills of the Norman knights who had administered that country since William of Normandy conquered it in 1066 .
17 In seeking to explore the effects of different organizational types , a particular concern must be to devise a methodology sufficiently robust to counter the argument that any emerging differences may be a corollary of the differential skills of the particular workers who happen to occupy the posts in the different teams .
18 The policies of the Liberal Democrats who sit as councillors on the Oxford City and County Councils are well known and set out in our elections leaflets .
19 That we the undersigned , wish to protest at the current activities of the major brewers who are increasing bar prices or forcing tenants out of their businesses and homes .
20 Probably many urban employers in the new forms of manufacture would have liked more of their workers to have become self-disciplined Methodists , but it was the employers of the village-dwelling miners who could already appreciate the benefits by the beginning of the nineteenth century .
21 But each time this has been tried , it comes up against the apparently irreconcilable rivalries of the three figures who have dominated the French right for the past 15 years — Jacques Chirac , Valéry Giscard d'Estaing and ( to a lesser extent ) Raymond Barre .
22 It gives details of the treatment available , and draws on the experiences of the 2000 women who belong to the society .
23 Near the Latroun monastery , for example , and along the back road to Ashqelon , you can briefly catch sight of Arab women picking fruit in the dark orchards , their traditional Palestinian dresses of gold and red embroidery glimmering amid the heavy foliage , descendants of the 170,000 Arabs who stayed behind in 1948 .
24 In the writing of inspection reports it will be essential to express findings in a positive manner and in a language and style that address the concerns of the many non-specialists who make up the audience for the reports .
25 As British Governments of both colours have failed the Turkish Cypriot community in Cyprus , to whom they undertook certain responsibilities under the constitution of 1960 and the treaty of guarantee , would not it be advisable for the Government to be a bit more sensitive to the concerns of the Turkish Cypriots who do not want to see — under whatever agreement , which may be too favourable to the Greek Cypriots — a return to the situation in the 1960s ?
26 There has been little pattern in the movements of the 23,000 miners who were ‘ relocated ’ from mines throughout the country .
27 For Paul , that offering is made up of the lives of the many Gentiles who have turned to faith in God .
28 The parents of the 33 children who had not recovered were interviewed a second time to answer the question whether the constipation/soiling problems had persisted or recurred , because we were not able to determine this from the initial questionnaire .
29 Invitations come via playgroups but parents of the few children who do not attend one can contact the headteacher , Margaret Sutton , at the school .
30 His release is a victory for those elements in the armed forces who reject even their fellow officers ' professional criticism of the Falklands campaign and argue that General Galtieri deserved a statue , not a prison sentence , for his actions .
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