Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [vb base] a [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Assume Delia Forbes ’ identity , go to the art class , get to know Angy and wangle an invitation to her flat .
2 The implications of the present situation are serious and present a threat to the future of a great British choral tradition .
3 Solvents should be chosen which are chemically stable and have a low to medium vapour pressure at the temperature of operation , as this avoids problems of bubble formation in the measuring chamber .
4 Having sampled many of the better known holiday spots around the Mediterranean , we decided this year to be more adventurous and pay a visit to a desert island .
5 Be steadfast and make a pledge to yourself that you will no longer compromise in any way .
6 I took Tim to the match one Easter Monday they played Luton in league match , and Ted played , the old Ipswich player , and we go absolutely , it rained , hailed , blew , and we got home soaked to the skin you know , and er it seems to make you feel better if they win you know , but if you sort of put up with those sort of things and they , they lose it 's makes you feel right down in the dumps , but when they get promoted like they did last time it 's remarkable , it 's been remarked about this aspect , that people in local industry seem to work harder , and it seems to be a boost in general local traders make shop window displays and it seems to be a boost to the town in general and give a lift to the town if you like
7 Further , confronted by the uncompromising Ben Hiant ( the Holy Mountain ) which , rising to 1729 feet , bars the way forward , the road turns inland for several miles into a bare moorland before the contours relent and permit a return to the coast .
8 It would keep our industry competitive and offer a future to our miners .
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