Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [adv] [art] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Nor is it necessarily good practice to see a client as often as possible or whenever the client wishes .
2 If we do this often enough , and most of us do , then these ways of being become habitual and eventually the muscle tension that is required for these unnatural positions becomes fixed into our body .
3 So the whole day is done by the time you get started , so you can close out the foreign and even the U S domestic edition , domestic news , before you
4 What precisely he could do about it was not immediately clear since even the Mamur Zapt 's writ did not normally extend to the domestic relationship between man and wife .
5 And now the rains had really come , so heavy and persistent that even the village rain-maker no longer claimed to be able to intervene .
6 Only where the demands of the Anglo-Norman and then the Angevin empire dictated it was there regular delegation of the prince 's judicial rights to an official ; even then , this delegation was revoked when the king-duke visited .
7 As the surface approaches infinity ( b ) , the distances from the two eyes to all squares on the surface become more similar and thus the perspective views become identical .
8 Its system of rebates , discounts and exemptions , and the fact that it is partly a personal and partly a property tax certainly guarantee complexity with necessarily guaranteeing collectability .
9 Remember that it is the cleared bank balance on which interest is payable and not the cash book balance .
10 The new car will bristle with safety hardware , including side intrusion bars and airbags as standard and possibly a roll-over bar for the convertible .
11 But good though this record is , no system is perfect and accordingly the Church Commissioners and the Department of the Environment are now looking at ways in which the non-statutory public inquiries can be improved to become an even more effective forum for weighing all points of view in particularly difficult cases .
12 This is likely to be particularly serious if either the poverty trap or the unemployment trap is encountered .
13 The identification and correction of coding errors may be virtually impossible unless either a cost centre is obviously incorrect or a fairly detailed manual backup , such as is outlined in ( b ) above , is utilised .
14 She feels that I should take my cod and coalfish , garfish and grayling , salmon and sole and even the shark steaks , and install them in the old deep freeze in the garage .
15 Until after Philip 's death in 1746 it was still an administrative and not a policy-making body ; but in the second half of the century it acquired greater power and independence .
16 In terms of large-scale ranching and beef production in the savannas of South America , the nutritional value of the pasture grasses is , according to Vera et al. ( 1986 ) , relatively low and thus the carrying capacity is limited .
17 Since the Tenants Right to Buy was first introduced in 1980 it 's been constantly opposed by Labour and indeed the S L D who 've taken their fat away .
18 There is always something to be learned from a knowledgeable local instructor , and a flight is far more valuable than just a site briefing .
19 Initially they planned a series of gigs but Mike Joyce fell ill and only a New York Danceteria date on New Year 's Eve remained .
20 Although this was an extreme case , it is by no means unique and practically every university teacher who has supervised an undergraduate dissertation will recognize the problem of trying to write a dissertation backwards ; that is to say , taking the data that have already been collected and then trying to find some hypothesis which they can be used to test .
21 Here , a constant and not a chance model of anarchic relations via exchange is obligatory … the law of value is merely the law of equilibrium of an anarchic commodity system …
22 Others describe a pastime such as skating , concert-going and even a dance party .
23 Macca lets rip with another beast , merv dives to his left and miracuously the score remains 1–1.
24 It comes as a surprise to most people to learn that the experts are still arguing over something as basic as how a cat purrs .
25 The pair are planning to introduce and ship a line of four models this summer including a low-end colour unit priced under the $2,000 barrier and a monochrome unit that will equal or better the $1,000 price tag on Visual 's current entry level .
26 This is necessary because the psychological action on many bodily processes can be so great that even a sugar pill can have striking therapeutic effects if the person believes it will .
27 It differs from the Biogas specimen in the shape of the dorsal arm spines , which appear to be equal and nearly an arm segment long .
28 Foreign trade responded to the opportunities opened up by the outlets to the Baltic and later the Black Sea , grain becoming the major export .
29 And black and black and then the denim shirt .
30 If you are going to take notes , let the candidate know at this stage , explain that you do it for all the candidates , and that they are nothing sinister but simply a memory aid .
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