Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [prep] [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Somebody , therefore , has to lead the singing , either unaccompanied or to the accompaniment of a pre-recorded tape , and training is needed for this as well .
2 that deposited , whether inside or outside the curtilage of a sewage treatment works , as an integral part of the operation of those works ,
3 His re-entry , however , either to mainstream or to the start of adult working life , may not be achieved so smoothly .
4 Currently , over 6,000 students worldwide have registered for the Distance Learning MBA , either by dealing with Henley direct or through a Network of Associate Institutions in countries around the world .
5 A local ethical scepticism , for instance , tends very quickly to spread out and become a general scepticism about the unobserved or about the possibility of scientific knowledge .
6 The activities may be spontaneous or at the suggestion of the teacher .
7 It is clear that despite the package of protective designations and institutions created since 1945 , there has been a net decline in the quality of the Welsh countryside and the wider environment for the reasons given .
8 " Ladies and gentlemen , the fact that cholera is conveyed in the atmosphere is amply supported by the epidemic in Newcastle in 1853 when it became clear that during the months of September and October an invisible cholera cloud was suspended over the town .
9 It is clear that at a meeting on July 4 between Lord Young and BAe , discussions included various tax benefits for Rover , to be achieved through the removal of the ring fence on tax losses and sympathetic revenue treatment .
10 Whilst the White Paper acknowledges that local policy objectives and resources must be a key context in planning and delivery services , the government appears to be clear that at the point of assessment , decisions must be needs-based and ‘ should not focus only on the user 's suitability for a particular existing scheme ’ ( DoH , 1989b , p. 18 ) .
11 Where these problems are absent there appears to be little that a reasonably fit older person can not do with an efficiency equivalent to a high proportion of younger workers ( see Stones and Kozma , 1985 for a good survey of research findings in this field ) : ‘ It is clear that as a piece of anatomical and physiological machinery , the human organism becomes progressively impaired from the late twenties onwards .
12 It is clear that as a matter of prudent management in a firm of any size one of the partners or a senior member of staff should be given overall responsibility for ensuring that all partners and employed solicitors ( whether or not held out as partners ) comply with these basic requirements of professional practice ( by keeping a check on replacement and renewal dates , collating relevant statistical information , ensuring timeous completion and posting of applications , etc ) and that the firm is spared the embarrassment of financial penalties or , even worse , an unwanted dissolution .
13 As far as the County Highways Authority 's concerned , I think they 've made it quite clear that as a matter of principle , when they considered the new settlement , the new settlement proposal was then around nineteen hundred dwellings , larger than what is being proposed at the moment .
14 It is therefore clear that as a result of the statutory machinery an individual can have a substantial measure of control over his own working life compulsorily delegated to an agent , a trade union , which he has not selected and may even have his own contract of service varied without his consent .
15 Now , in addition to that , and I do n't know if this is the source of the confusion , we 've also made provision in the ninety four five budget for another er camera site operation , except that it 's a lower figure because that does n't actually include the camera because we made it clear that as a result of the decision last time here we did n't want to create a , a permanent precedent that this committee always picked up the bill for the camera .
16 Dworkin makes it clear that as the question of what form the public hearing should assume is itself a policy question , it is , accordingly , beyond the remit of the courts to interfere with this .
17 For him it was clear that with the expropriation of the property-owning classes , the nationalization of the means of production and the formation of a planned economy , the ruling class was the proletariat .
18 It is clear that under a system of well-conceived planning the resolution of competing claims and the allocation of land for the various requirements must proceed on the basis of selecting the most suitable land for the particular purpose , irrespective of the existing values which may attach to the individual parcels of land .
19 We have also made it very clear that upon the signing of a cease fire , but not before , all coalition forces will be drawn back from Iraqi territory that we currently occupy .
20 It seems clear that in a number of places the word for professional soldier has been misunderstood as meaning " thousand " .
21 It is clear that in a number of sectors concentration is significantly higher than in the economy generally .
22 He called for continued support for the government , and also made it clear that in the discussions of a new constitution , his preference was for a presidential republic .
23 However , it is also clear that in the course of the inter-war period this concern came to be accommodated to such values as taste , tact , and decency that were characteristic of the male focused professions .
24 But it is clear that in the case of God both ingredients are required — an act of trust and factual observation .
25 But credit should be given where it is due , and it is clear that in the years before the report the Goldsmiths were considering — still in a vague way and mindful of the possibility of a Government Inquiry — how " a more liberal observance of the apparent intentions of the Founders ' might be effected .
26 Thus it may well be that French Canadian is derived historically by the addition of an adjectival sufffix to the geographical term French Canada , but it is clear that in the mind of most users the adjective is used to take a subset out of the larger class of things or people Canadian , as shown , for instance , by the general refusal in Canada to use the historically natural opposite term English Canadian otherwise than for those descended from inhabitants of Great Britain and in particular England ( see Orkin , 1971 ) .
27 It is clear that in the period between the tenth century and the thirteenth all the categories were tending to grow .
28 The presence of Henry and his sons , together with their army , made a considerable impression on the Limousin , though it is also clear that in the months between June 1176 and October 1177 Richard had effectively wielded power in this region , quartering his Brabançons on monastic estates as he chose .
29 And yet it is equally clear that in the minds of those who believed in his divinity , he was indeed a god .
30 It is clear that in the eyes of Jesus ' contemporaries the cross was a contemptuous symbol .
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