Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [adj] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 By allowing experiments to be performed on a computer which would be impractical or dangerous to perform in the physical world , it also allows the design engineer to probe new areas .
2 We no longer allow the weak or foolish or unfortunate to perish in the gutters of a city slum .
3 It is the West 's firmest commitment so far to helping clean up environmental damage in the East but also its clearest statement yet that it is not willing or able to pay for the process .
4 The generosity of a Kettering shoe-manufacturer , Thomas Gotch , enabled him to study French and Dutch to add to the Greek he had already mastered .
5 She came to realise that any woman who aimed to share his life would always have to be self-sufficient and able to cope with the day-to-day problems of life without bothering him with the minutiae of domestic detail .
6 If the percentage is large , it may be more economical and feasible to dispose of the whole of the leased accommodation and move into something smaller .
7 It was more exciting and comfortable to travel in the back of a Ford car than on any part of a bus , even top front .
8 I tried to think of something dignified and contemptuous to say to the officer but could find nothing .
9 He denied it but after she had an abortion allegedly confessed to his wife , who had been too afraid and embarrassed to go to the police .
10 The photocopied documents are described as almost perfect and impossible to detect by the ordinary person , and even by MOT staff .
11 But in the beginning you should make it as easy as possible to get into the habit without excuses getting in the way .
12 To provide an illustration , a child who gets into trouble is much more likely to come before a court if he or she is from a poor home and has parents who do not get on with the welfare authorities or the police , than if his or her family is prosperous , respectable and willing to co-operate with the police and social services .
13 Neurological abnormalities may be subtle and difficult to establish in the presence of deforming arthritis , muscular atrophy , and the neuropathy that may be associated with rheumatoid arthritis .
14 Back to normal and ready to forget about the Hare-woman and the Back Clough Dale cottage .
15 A three year old is comparatively weak and easy to get to the bottom of , whereas a four or five year old will be able to put up more of a resistance ( if that is in his nature ) .
16 No school-children so far , but I can hear the first faint scrapes and slushing of householders beginning to clean their pavements , and the sound is strange and hard to recognise in the almost silent air , seeming as if it came from a long distance , a country sound in the wrong place .
17 There can be no doubt now that Lewis is not only fit and ready to challenge for the world heavyweight title , but that he is a probable , rather than a possible , to become Britain 's first champion at the weight in 100 years .
18 When she became too ill and breathless to come to the surgery , I visited her once a week .
19 ‘ Er — wha-what time is it ? ’ she mumbled , her mind too sleepy and uncoordinated to cope with the sharp , quivering response that gripped her stomach as she blinked nervously up at her husband .
20 In use I found the sack comfortable and stable to carry with the back just long enough for me to use the hip belt , which was functional , if a little basic .
21 The guitar was very well set up and proved comfortable and easy to play from the off .
22 Channel 4 said a top-level decision had been taken that the illustrations were ‘ inappropriate and unnecessary to get over the message of the programme ’ .
23 The practice fence should be jumped slowly initially , then a couple of times a bit faster to get into cross country ‘ mood ’ and a couple of times on the angle so that the horse is awake and ready to think about the task ahead .
24 Having completed these , it was then possible to develop a strategy for implementing solutions that were feasible and desirable to implement in the existing circumstances .
25 We must therefore depend almost exclusively on the archaeological record , even though the survival of crucial evidence for the range of shops and their resident craftsmen is frequently highly selective and difficult to interpret in the context of market-places and external economic contacts .
26 The tears came then ; great gasping sobs she had been unwilling and unable to cry since the day of the letter .
27 Hosts : Ruminants , horses , pigs , rabbits and fowl Site : Small intestine except T. axei and T. tenuis Species : Trichostrongylus axei abomasum of ruminants and stomach of horses and pigs T. colubriformis ruminants T. vitrinus } sheep and goats T. capricola } T. retortaeformis rabbits T. tenuis small intestine and caeca of game birds There are a number of other species of ruminants with more local distribution and importance such as T. rugatus , T. falculatus , T. probolurus and T. longispicularis Distribution : Worldwide Gross : The adults are small and hair-like , usually less than 7.0 mm long and difficult to see with the naked eye .
28 Yet common sense — and Melody — constantly told Seb it would be not only futile but foolhardy to go to the encampment just now .
29 But I think it is reasonable as well as constructive to allude to the possibility that the human spirit is indeed evolving , that we are gradually ‘ widening the circle of compassion ’ , moving away from the narrower , more self-interested , more aggressive forms of social organisation to embrace the concept of one world in which we do indeed see ourselves as members of one human family .
30 Speaking in April 1987 , Yakovlev attacked ‘ dogmatic thinking ’ and located its social origins in that section of the society that had ‘ no interest in development , who are personally satisfied with the customary and convenient status quo , who are unable or unwilling to respond to the challenges of the times and to new phenomena in life ’ .
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