Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [verb] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately , few of them are interested or want to stick to the dietary disciplines for long .
2 Part of the reason they do so is cultural and has to do with the elective affinity of their habituses with postmodern culture .
3 The aircraft was seen by several witnesses quite high but starting to circle to the left and commence a gentle descent .
4 The list is not comprehensive or detailed but tries to focus on the most salient points .
5 It is a common finding when we are jet-lagged or trying to sleep in the day after night-work .
6 Societal divisions are such that neighbourhood patrols are dangerous and have to take on the appearance of armed convoys , but it is the style of policing which comes nearest to breaching the divide between the police and the community , so that the RUC is required to be persistent in utilizing it even though there are few obvious signs of success and despite the cost in human life .
7 Both cold and hyaluronidase treatment can activate unfertilized eggs so eggs must be kept warm and exposed to hyaluronidase for the minimum length of time .
8 ‘ Oh , you must wait for coffee , ’ said Bob , sobering and turning to signal to the young waiter .
9 You start the weekend feeling bolshie and wanting to kick over the traces of convention and conformity .
10 A major ( and fundamental ) reform of public sector accountability is long overdue and needs to start from the top down ; that is , with constitutional accountability .
11 As a food and store safety officer , I felt dismayed and frustrated to see in the Journal , members of staff wearing inappropriate jewellery and , in high risk areas , all hair not kept within hats .
12 The bones are first modified and altered to conform to the skeletal dimensions of the body , which is then built up from the inside outwards using organic substitute flesh .
13 The last point of habitation before the pass and every dwelling a-gleam with water as though the whole place was deluge-cursed and waiting to fall into the river .
14 It has not shifted the old Labour image and habits towards the new kind of social-democratic space that has begun to emerge in some European countries , and which represents the only real alternative for the left that wants to govern in the next post-Maastricht decade .
15 Turning things over at random and hoping to stumble on the sought object usually works when the space to be searched is small .
16 ‘ I have had a great time at Sunderland , but I am ambitious and want to play in the Premier League .
17 Here Forgive 'N Forget made a mistake and handed the initiative to Wayward Lad , but he was very tired and started to wander to the left towards the rails .
18 The Act buttressed the law on trespass with two new criminal offences : using or threatening violence in order to obtain entry to any premises , and occupying a house or flat and refusing to leave at the request of the rightful occupier .
19 Young people are often curious and like to experiment with the latest craze .
20 If insects judged their speed solely on the basis of the speed of the air moving past , they would remain stationary when attempting to fly into the wind .
21 It is on the way to being as reasonable as refusing to say about the see-saw that one end 's going down is the effect of the other end 's going up .
22 I think , I think particularly important for Whitchurch , in keeping up the er , degree of confidence in Whitchurch that people will actually , er , are , are , willing and able and prepared to exist in the area .
23 He did not know how long he had been sleeping but woke up hungry and decided to sneak into the kitchens for a tin of soup .
24 Perhaps it all has to do with being unworldly and prepared to believe in the little people at the end of the garden .
25 These separated and came to rest on the head of each of them .
26 Athelstan felt angry and went to kneel before the statue of the Virgin , praying for Meg and the evil bastard who had sent her soul unshriven out into the darkness .
27 I was very angry and threatened to resign from the IAC over the issue .
28 Despite the school 's stated intention to involve parents as far as possible , I seriously doubted whether Mr or Mrs Singh would be capable or prepared to enter into the kind of partnership the school envisaged .
29 From his hotel bedroom the sea was a great waste of dirty grey flecked with white , the clouds were ragged and seemed to race across the sky and , as he watched , a great fountain of spray shot up from the base of the little promontory on which the hotel was built .
30 They got drunk and tried to carry off the women , and were fought off by the bridegroom with his Lapiths and his bosom-friend , the Athenian Theseus .
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