Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [verb] [pron] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 Mike dragged me clear and carried me into the house .
2 His eyes went to her head and he snatched her hat free and flung it into the back of the car .
3 One of the younger men charged up to Sabine and pulled her into the circle .
4 Using the cover of the bushes or whatever , I crouch as low as possible and manoeuvre myself into a position where I know I could cast to them , not forgetting to make a note of a landing site , for it is useless to hook a fish if you can not play it to the landing net .
5 Mr McTavish , studying Nails closely , thought the boy was ill and took him into the kitchen and made him a cup of tea .
6 He took out a key and let himself into the building .
7 I 'm trying to make it more beautiful and transform it into the language of clothes .
8 His friend Sir Thomas Lauder of Grange and Fountainhall tells of one humorous incident where Geikie once followed a particularly pompous , pot-bellied and self-assertive porter through the marketplace sketching as he went until the victim got angry and chased him into a house from whose attic window Geikie completed the sketch with some extra touches to show features of indignation to perfect the picture .
9 If smoking is allowed it stops people doing it in secret and making it into a clever or fashionable thing to do
10 When in trouble he could , like a god , make himself invisible or turn himself into an animal .
11 Floaters , though , they fling their portals wide and usher you into the hall , crying ‘ Ah-ha — just the man I wanted to see ! ’
12 He believes it should take the parts of our lives that are most sore , most hurtful , most unspoken , most taboo and bring them into the public sphere .
13 He found sweeping the floor too boring and manoeuvred himself into a role making electrical control panels .
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