Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] as [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Situations in which they can prove useful are in small and/or lightly-stocked tanks , and rearing tanks where feeding is rather heavy and regular , as long as the turnover rate is not too high so as to stress the young fish or drag them into the filter .
2 In 1792 wages in Sheffield were said to be so high generally as to allow the leisure-preferring cutlers to live comfortably from working only three days a week .
3 Despite this , however , he was treated with some suspicion by Parliament , who restricted his ability to raise taxes to pay for army or navy forces , so he turned to Louis XIV of France , who secretly made funds available so as to improve the failing status of the Roman Catholic Church in England , where the Church of England virtually excluded all ‘ dissenters ’ , which included Roman Catholics .
4 Like many Sicilian buildings the windows are very small so as to exclude the hot sunshine ( 215 ) .
5 2 Locational decisions are taken in general so as to minimise the frictional effects of distance .
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