Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] do [adv] [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No I 'm sorry I do n't agree with you there .
2 ‘ I 'm so flattered you want to discover more about me , but there 's disappointingly little to discover , ’ she managed , with an artificially sweet smile , ‘ And rest assured I do n't feel in the least threatened .
3 eh , its a free country and you should be able to choose what you want to do yourself er , if something is damaging to your health then I would agree , yes , smoking I do n't agree with smoking but if people want to smoke that 's entirely up to them , they know the risks , I would n't smoke , I know the risks but vegetarianism is purely a matter of choice and there 's no peop people that harp on about you should n't eat meat , get on my nerves
4 ‘ Well , I 'm afraid I do n't move in such elevated circles . ’
5 I 'm afraid I do n't run to pink body suits — and the jeep is quite glamorous enough for me . ’
6 ‘ I 'm afraid I do not care for the theatre . ’
7 Thus you and the employee may jointly search for standards which are mutually acceptable which do not lead to hours of argument about whether or not they have been achieved .
8 Mm , see one of the dangers of just reading the bible is that you have to be careful you do n't fall into the pitfall of just reading it when if you do then it 'll all look as if it 's pointing towards the only way out is heaven
9 I am quite under the spell of your instrument , and how I enjoyed that sideways dancing ! but do be careful you do n't fall in the sea , Italy is not very wide .
10 But that 's ridic no that 's , but Charlotte wh when you 're eleven years old you do n't look at someone else and , and
11 As Martin ( 1983 , p. 22 ) suggests : ‘ When full-time working women become unemployed they do not move from one role to another , they simply lose one — like men . ’
12 yeah its dead easy you do n't need to be exactly er a one intelligence do you ?
13 Use diagrams wherever possible You do n't need to be a graphic artist .
14 and I went erm at Christmas once and it was bollocks , I just went hey , I wish I , glad I do n't go to church
15 Ha I 'm just glad I do n't juggle with chain sa , chain saws !
16 ‘ God , I 'm glad I do n't work for him , ’ she sighed .
17 It 's lucky I do n't talk to a microphone very often .
18 The judge , struggling to contain his anger , said : ‘ You are lucky I do not deal with this as a contempt of court . ’
19 I 'm glad you do n't try to be what you are n't , ’ he said gravely , beckoning the waiter who 'd been leaning wearily against the door-jamb .
20 I 'm glad you do n't turn to crime
21 I 'm glad we do n't go for that sort of tree actually .
22 John CW Symon ( Points of View , today ) writes : ‘ It would seem obvious that young hooligans do not think of the consequences of their actions … quite likely they do not think of what they are doing as ‘ crime ’ at all …
23 But er , it 's a good I do n't know about cure , but whatever !
24 ‘ I 'm sure I do n't mean to , ’ said Granny Morkie , and sniffed .
25 ‘ I 'm sure I do n't know for what act of yours the Deity has seen fit to bless us with mounted Normans , and shiploads of mercenaries , and woods that burn in a trice , but you must have dropped a word somewhere that commended itself . ’
26 If anything , I just make sure I do n't starve to death .
27 You better make sure you do n't swear on that thing actually .
28 He said do it quietly , make sure you do n't land on the backyard dustbin .
29 Are you sure you do n't want to be alone with your husband ?
30 It 's his way of making sure you do n't belong to anybody else . ’
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