Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] [verb] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Four weeks before was due I started a new job here in Birmingham leaving and in Yorkshire .
2 I 'm only sorry I had a prior engagement , otherwise I 'd have been here much earlier . ’
3 As usual I felt a little trepidation before the climb , but this was dwarfed by the thought of skiing down from the refuge , across the Argentiere glacier , and up to the bergshrund below the face .
4 But as usual I affected a supreme unconcern , and floated past them with a sway of the hips that was a touch exaggerated .
5 I 'd a proper I had a proper drill , oh you 're talking about the new ones ?
6 During the lay up of Venturous I spent a brief interlude in the Solent area evaluating the performance and suitability of a thirty two foot fast motor cruiser Gazelle which had been purchased by the Department as an experiment .
7 This part of the ‘ window ’ can be used for long-range scrying ; a character looking into it and willing himself to see a far-distant scene can see into an elliptical area bounded by Middenheim to the north , Nuln to the south , some 25 miles west of Altdorf , and to around 100 miles east along the River Talabec out of Altdorf .
8 This is to tell only part of the story however Anna is diligent in all her studies with a determination to do as well as possible , while her powers of expression are adequate she has a fine sense of initiative and within her limitations can organise her materials persuasively .
9 ‘ When you had them fresh you had a concrete floor .
10 We were extremely well looked after by Per Sorum , a sprightly 70-plus year old who had a beautiful house in Aasen .
11 Feshaie is a bullet-headed 12 year old who wears a striped T-shirt and shorts that are too big for his skinny frame .
12 The Prison Service is in this business of when things go wrong we have a full enquiry to learn the lessons .
13 If it was stormy people were too busy looking after the farm and the animals to bother much , but when it was clear we had a nice meal .
14 So it is clear we have a long way to go before we can store up all the experiences of humankind .
15 Of the three plants , only the British one has a recognised trade union , the Amalgamated Engineering Union .
16 But it 's clear they have a common bond .
17 They had been geared up to use so much physical energy that even when they were very old they had a dynamic force within their bodies for which they had no outlet .
18 What was funny it made a loud noise but it hurt my ankle as well .
19 He would analyse the paper sample , photograph and enlarge each individual letter and then mount them on a comparison chart , and the jury would pass it solemnly from hand to hand and wonder wily it needed a highly-paid expert to come and explain what anyone could see with his own eyes .
20 The British delegation of eight comprised of two Principals of Oral Schools for the Deaf which had a combined total of less than 25 students !
21 Mr Beveridge and Mr Nitch-Smith often represent Lonrho , the multinational which owns a hefty slice of Malawi and all of The Observer , a newspaper renowned for its freedom-fighting in Africa .
22 Whilst CBHPs ( the projects providing co-ordinating staff ) are externally funded , most community effort is self-reliant which shows a powerful commitment considering that the majority of people live below the poverty level .
23 Tomorrow night on Central we begin a two-part report on a murder that 's still a mystery … ten years after it was committed .
24 Treating the task as a real one introduces a real language exercise with the focus it puts on the difference between written and spoken language .
25 A big pale blue moon , shimmering with lurex or a pale silvery one makes a lovely motif for the back of a sweater or jacket , or a fun one if you add a ‘ man in the moon ’ face .
26 Howev it 's all too convenient and it 's all too easy we have a perfect example of of of bureaucratic shuffling .
27 ‘ In the tackle and in the loose he was quite superb and England 's manager seems convinced we need a big number seven in the national side , yet that seems to suggest he is concerned with just one defensive aspect .
28 He is convinced everybody needs a clear yardstick against which performances can be judged .
29 I personally think the gallery 's grossly under used you have a large number of exhibitions that seem to extend over six to eight weeks .
30 Glad I kept a straight face afterward .
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