Example sentences of "[adj] [be] [verb] on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A social was held on the Saturday night followed by an ‘ excellent cold meal served in a marquee on the lawn in front of the clubhouse , and then by country dancing to the ‘ Hambleden Hustlers ’ who induced many of the company to join them .
2 The fees payable are shown on the right .
3 The amount of benefits payable are shown on the Policy Schedule .
4 Kristin and Sabine were sitting on the beach .
5 Anyone in the late twentieth century who studies Charles the Bald is perched on the shoulders of those giants .
6 When steel was being tempered , hazel twigs were used to test the metal 's heat , the stick about a foot long was rubbed on the steel .
7 such consent shall wherever practicable be given on the basis of and subject to the exclusion of any commercially sensitive information
8 Claims for articles damaged but repairable are paid on the basis of the repair cost .
9 The value — 1 is used to flag missing data ; the countries concerned are shown on the map by the symbol ‘ L ’ .
10 However , it would seem Andrew Guest of United is jumping on the bandwagon to give poor Skerne Park a kick in the pants along with Mr Hylsop of DTC .
11 The division between formal and informal is based on the distinction between wage-earning and self-employment , with the key variable being the rationalisation of work , in other words whether or not labour is recruited on a permanent or regular basis for fixed reward .
12 Projects were therefore not in themselves initiated by the ERDF ; member states put forward projects to receive assistance and the limited funds available were allocated on the basis of predetermined national quotas .
13 This theory was used to explain the major regressions of late Jurassic , late Cretaceous and late Tertiary times , with the major retreat at the end of the Mesozoic being blamed on the collision of India and Asia at about this time .
14 The sense of live being lived on the edge is both striking and appropriate .
15 One of my first recollections of the fair was spotting on the Monday evening a toy tool set priced at one shilling on a stall near the Council House ( now called The Guildhall ) .
16 The acquisition search service provided by MAS is based on the list of companies for sale which are held on the Accountants ' Business Network database jointly shared by the major accounting firms .
17 The young are walking on the riverbank ,
18 Silent drops of scarlet were falling on the grass around her feet .
19 The more traditional local is used on the advertising .
20 The conclusion that TCR- β is sufficient is based on the observations that both the severe drop in total thymocyte numbers ( to about 1% of the wild-type level ) and the blockade at a DN stage in the RAG-1 mutant mice are fully restored upon introduction of a productively rearranged TCR- β transgene .
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