Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] he [vb -s] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It 's funny that he flags at the interests of the party of crime .
2 The occasional sly lift is one thing but I suspect Irish referee Stephen Hilditch will become suspicious when he sees Adolf Malan waving at him from upon high while he waits for the throw .
3 Therefore , the Minister must be careful when he argues about the principle of the matter .
4 If the donor dies more than seven years after the gift , there 's no duty at all payable If he dies in the seventh year the whole duty is reduced by 60 per cent , if in the sixth by 30 per cent , and in the fifth 15 per cent . ’
5 The pan is left at the side with its lid on to keep the sauce warm while he stands over the heating water , muttering incantations to make it boil .
6 Under the Net ( 1954 ) , her first published fiction , is technically speaking a memoir-novel like Crusoe or Moll Flanders , being composed as autobiography in the first person ; and The Sea , the Sea ( 1978 ) , like Crusoe , is in part a diary where the narrator — male , as usual — is himself so unaware as he writes of the astonishing end there will be to kidnapping his lost love that the reader is as surprised as he when it finally unfolds : an audacious exploitation of the fictional memoir never attempted by Defoe himself .
7 Bored as he waits for the liquid to boil , eyed admiringly by his pint-sized partner , he plays with wooden spills , dipping them into the solution and passing them through the flame beneath .
8 He says he 's glad because he lives in the home with his wife .
9 That magnate looks quite diminished as he crouches in the forward seat with his cloak wrapped awkwardly about him ; but how gloriously his underling has been transformed .
10 BRITISH featherweight champion Sean Murphy is out to make it third time lucky when he challenges for the WBO world title next month .
11 Chatam had not been seen in public since finishing fourth to Sibton Abbey in the Hennessy at Newbury in November , and Pipe said yesterday : ‘ It was a fine run considering he had been off the course for so long and he goes for the Gold Cup with every chance .
12 The purchases , together with the remedial action , should ensure that Martin Craddock , chairman and chief executive , can at least match analysts ' forecasts of £1.8m pre-tax when he reports on the 1989-90 year .
13 Thus the Englishman , familiar with his Rhaetian sediments at the top of the Trias , can not but be astounded when he reads of the Rhaetian deposits of Thailand and finds them described as black pyritous shales with Rhaetavicula contorta , resting on red marls and sandstones , with evaporites , just like those of the Severn cliffs .
14 The Pitman yard , which has done so well in this race — one winner , a second and two thirds since 1983 — believe he will adapt to the unique Aintree fences , and as long as he copes with the first few , they feel he must go close .
15 As long as he operates within the law , nobody seems to suggest that an obstetrician or other medical practitioner should provide his services free , or that receiving a fee makes either his motives or his reliability suspect ; and clinics can legally be run for profit .
16 As long as he sticks to the office itself , Mr Gaminara paints a convincing and often-mordantly amusing picture .
17 A requirement of such a degree of knowledge might still cover the situation where a broker executes deals on behalf of an insider , as long as he knows of the nature of the deal or continues to execute orders despite strong suspicions .
18 David Fontana , psychologist and the author of Your Growing Child , says , ‘ Sometimes the parent does have good reason to worry … if the friend is rough when he comes to the house and breaks toys , then you have to think of your own child .
19 However , under the test derived from Caldwell , a person is not reckless if he thinks about the possible risk but decides that it does not obtain .
20 and I said I could imagine , you know , the boys are there with the boat , they 've got it ready and he steps off the other one and they say oh I 'm sorry missed your footing did you ?
21 and keeping his children quiet as he shouts at the News .
22 Brian Robinson , I believe , has every right to feel aggrieved when he looks at the other members of the back row .
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