Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] i [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Well , the gravestone certainly stands by the porch and it does have a hole drilled through it , said to have been where the iron stake was hammered through the stone into the coffin , but I 'm afraid that I agree with the general consensus voiced around the bar of the Sun Inn and the George and Dragon that George Hodgson was guilty of nothing but old age , that the only thing he sucked were his gums , and that the hole in the stone was made for a railing or gatepost .
2 I mean it 's about sort of you know in it 's about increasing the erm where we are within our own particular sphere and it 's far too much I mean people it 's interesting that I mean for the , it seems to me an and once again correction but it seems to me the last five years the empowerment thing was really strong and now managers are moving away from it and saying it 's jargon as a means of diluting it .
3 Every time I get the hang of an idea it suddenly turns into something different and I turn into a fool !
4 I do n't recall , well in fact I 'm being sarcastic because I know for a , we know that it was n't in the manifesto for nineteen ninety two .
5 The hon. Gentleman is absolutely right and I agree with every word he says .
6 ‘ Sometimes I 'm so frustrated that I sit on a rock and shout my head off .
7 " Basically this garden is blue and white and I think in a small garden one has to pay great attention to the colours , otherwise it can look an awful hotchpotch , " says Tricia .
8 I step back , then turn and run , the clinging wetness round my thighs going from warm to cold as I race beneath the snow-shrouded trees towards the house .
9 I 'm sure the advice for the wealthy to hire a personal bodyguard is useful but I 'm not quite sure if I agree with the investment possibilities of ‘ Aeronautics engineer Paul Moller 's flying car , the M200X , which could allow four people to cruise at 322 miles an hour ’ , thus allaying any fears about the collapse of the transport infrastructure .
10 I find a box of matches , then follow the piping up the wall from the dead gas-ring until I come to the stopcock that turns the supply on .
11 I feel stupid if I cry at an emotional film or book
12 The psychologist Jung speaks about racial unconscious and I suppose in every race there is this something that we call racial characteristics , but on top of that there are other influences you take on board .
13 ‘ My mum 's brilliant and I go to a lovely young designer called Richard Kinlock , who 's superb .
14 I began to see that my fear about Mary obscuring Christ was not soundly based as long as I keep to the parameters of Scripture .
15 Does she think that I have no feelings , or have been struck deaf because I stand by the kitchen door , silent ?
16 As far as I 'm concerned if I come into the studio and everyone 's smiling , hey , that 's great .
17 Even now I am ashamed when I think of the night I ‘ let fly ’ to one of our best auxiliary nurses who had come to ask me to help when I was just going off duty .
18 In fact , they are handy when I go to the out there .
19 The undercut cave is dark and mysterious but the lightness of the sandy bottom becomes apparent as I look across the bend , the water becoming shallower as I scan across to the inside of the bend .
20 Law of the evidence in relation to that change will be apparent when I deal with the question of loss of future earnings .
21 As far as I recall from the last meeting .
22 And I certainly think the results that you 've produced show that the , the problem is quite manageable because I think in the end you 've actually produced a very good programme for work .
23 Another sensor high in one corner glows red as I move towards the foot of the stairs .
24 I find it tragic when I hear of a couple where one knows the other is dying , but neither can bear to talk about it .
25 Er I 'm going to step , sorry before I go into a bit more detail in your C on your er application form , three things will be decided here today Ron and that 's first of all whether you and I think that er is a lau a launch pad for you to earn erm er some good money
26 Casements on eternity , these great patient masterpieces ought to calm the mind and nourish the spirit , but seldom do , and its rare that I emerge from the National Gallery feeling I have really taken advantage of what 's on offer .
27 I think it would be appropriate to very briefly sir preface erm not by name obviously , who I represent , the interests I represent , because otherwise my comments may be misconstrued erm by certain parties who know me well , I represent certain peripheral land owner and developer interests around York , I also represent a developer who is proposing a n new village circa fifteen hundred dwellings in the Leeds metropolitan district er to the East of Wetherby , that is relevant when I come to the location and a migration aspects , er I would preface the rest of my comments by saying I consider it is vitally important , sir , that this enquiry takes a sub-regional view , this is why my colleague from Leeds City Council I 'm sure 's been invited , it 's why the Department of the Environment Regional Office are here , very important indeed .
28 It looks healthy and comes to the top of the tank , as usual when I walk into the room .
29 ‘ I do get depressed when I think about a career based in England .
30 I find love songs really soppy and sweet and I live in the city and …
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