Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] a [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So I do n't think anyone here as an elected member , needs to defend their positions if they wish to move from a political or a bureaucratic policy to something which is more pluralist and much more representative of the kind of policies that this council should be discussing not only now but also in the future .
2 There have been some impressive cases of increases in productivity , notably British Airways , British Leyland , and British Steel , which have shed workers , but it remains to be seen whether the improvement will be durable or a once-only case of firms shaking out the least efficient workers .
3 Research on UK quoted companies indicates that over half use either a wrong or an inappropriate technique for evaluating leases ( ‘ The Leasing Decision : A Comparison of Theory and Practice ’ by Colin Drury and Steven Braund , Accounting and Business Research , Vol 20 No 79 , Summer 1990 , pp 179–191 ) .
4 The first step is to inquire after symptoms that suggest organic disease such as anaemia , bleeding , fever , weight-loss or a recent change in bowel habit .
5 There are two types of patentable invention , a product invention and a process invention , and it has been said that an invention is a new way of making something old or an old way of making something new .
6 It 's quite a strange thing to paint on because it 's a very absorbent surface and what happens if you wa , those of you who want subtle colours , well that 's fine cos you get very subtle colours if you want deep colours like black dark brown or a bright colour like bright red berries on the holly then we have to put varnish on alright ?
7 Sit at the back of a bluegrass concert in 80 of Kentucky 's 121 counties , and you will drink nothing more alcoholic than a tall glass of orange juice .
8 Whatever approach is adopted , it is clear that a comprehensive service for the management of attempted suicide patients should be staffed by personnel interested in working with such people and their problems .
9 It is clear that a comprehensive review of both the variables to be included in the deprivation index and the level of disaggregation to be used is necessary and Hobcraft 's call for more work in this area in chapter 9 , is timely .
10 The president of the OECD 's development committee declared that " unless policies are changed soon , it is clear that a new wave of migration is imminent " .
11 It is clear that a roaring trade in cars ( not included in retail sales ) was part of the reason for the £2bn current account deficit that month .
12 But the occasional $500m-worth of speculative trading on the Korean Stock Exchange on a single day — as happened on January 17th — and a booming kerb market make it clear that a great deal of loose cash is still swirling around .
13 It is clear that a great deal of ley hunting done over the past 50 years has been hunting chance alignments .
14 Not only is it good value for money , it 's clear that a great deal of thought has been given to the virus problem and how to cure it .
15 Educationally , it is clear that a wide variety of provision has been developed , mainly in ‘ coping ’ ( welfare rights , staying healthy on the dole ) and ‘ interest ’ courses ( photography , art , hobbies , DIY , etc . )
16 It seems clear that a wide range of liaisons , some permanent , others later resolved one way or the other , existed in both rural and urban areas .
17 In both these examples it is clear that a major advantage of the simulation model is that answers can be more reliably obtained to questions such as ‘ how high should 1 build this bridge ? ’ or ‘ what would be the hydrological effect of building another 2000 houses in Edwalton ? ’ than if the engineer or planner were to rely solely upon rules of thumb or ‘ common sense ’ .
18 But it is clear that a major function of topic marking is precisely to relate the marked utterance to some specific topic raised in the prior discourse , t.e .
19 However , it is clear that a major factor in both risk and accident estimates is how busy the junction was .
20 It is clear that a standard definition of central and peripheral information is necessary before studies using this distinction can be compared with one another and a clear pattern of results described .
21 The 1334 tax assessments and the 1377 poll-tax returns show which communities existed at those dates ( the latter also showing how few had disappeared between them ) , and make it clear that a high proportion of those which eventually disappeared were markedly below the average size ( 58 , pp.162–3 , 207 ) .
22 But it is quite clear that a large number of people believe these three , who have now been in prison for 13 years , to be innocent of the crime for which they stand convicted .
23 It is clear that a main attraction of the project for its participants was the opportunity offered to obtain a large amount of space in a Central London location for a modest outlay .
24 When the form of the Christian church was being developed , it was clear that a different type of design was .
25 By the time a permanent replacement for the prototype was contemplated , it was clear that a definitive method of handling software had been evolved .
26 The Government have made it absolutely clear that a statutory register of council taxpayers is not required .
27 In fact it became clear that a considerable part of the defence was going to be that of justification , that the laws and usages of war permitted reprisals to be taken against hostages .
28 For all its deficiencies , the 1988 Office of Population Censuses and Surveys ( OPCS ) survey of disability in Britain makes clear that an overwhelming feature of the disabled state is poverty ( Abberley , 1991 ) .
29 By 1986 it was clear that an actual return of the territories to Jordanian sovereignty would threaten his long term authority on the East as well as the West Bank .
30 Census data , for instance , made clear that an increasing proportion of the more numerous national groups had been choosing to live in their ‘ own ’ union republic , with the greatest increases in Central Asia , the Baltic and Armenia ( Russians , by contrast , had become more dispersed throughout the USSR ) .
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