Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But she was just so bubbly and so vivacious , and she looked so young despite being well over eighteen , that there was something almost right for her in the part .
2 ‘ We tried to sign Chris Waddle , but it was not right for him at the time .
3 ‘ We tried to sign Chris Waddle , but it was not right for him at the time , we went for Peter Beardsley , but it was not right for Everton .
4 Cries could be heard from the stairs as the policemen tried to make their way up to the landing , the remaining boys making it as difficult as possible for them in the hope that their brother would get away .
5 Markward of Anweiler , who only approached Innocent when the situation was hopeless for him after the formation of a league of cities against imperial domination .
6 ‘ It 's just that you do get rather obsessive about them in the city .
7 They were dry for him in the morning .
8 ‘ It 's all very exciting for me at the moment , here I am about to go around the world for the first time , seeing cities like New York , which I have always dreamed of seeing .
9 Many British institutions are secretive , but few are quite so patronising about it as the City .
10 In other words , I saw the town as being completely different towards him at the outset of the film , and then in snide little ways he would turn them against him because he carried his violence with him .
11 A gelding that is accompanied by a more may be extremely possessive of her in the company of other horses , and may be tempted to attack all and sundry — including other mares !
12 He will do well administering the Office , but I am frankly afraid of him in the House . ’
13 ‘ I do n't know what I was doing wrong with her in the middle of the year , but she 's blossomed now .
14 You 've not really had anything wrong with you in the past , have you ?
15 They all descended from a structure that was suspended high above them from the centre of the dome .
16 He rested the sack on the flat top of the culvert ; high above him on the slope he could hear somebody whistling .
17 ‘ Was he different with you after the dream ? ’
18 ‘ Foreigners have no God , ’ she claimed , as if she wanted to weaken my resolve and then , correcting herself and asking God 's pardon , she changed this to ‘ Our God , the God of Islam , is different from theirs in the West . ’
19 He need not be interested in it at the time when the insurance is effected .
20 I was very prone to them at the time , mainly because I was undertaking only light and sometimes very spasmodic training .
21 ‘ Competitions now seem derisory to me after the ascent of a route of this scale ’ .
22 When I postulated that the environmentalists might have a case , they were horrified that I of all people should express such a view , when it had been clear to them from the start that I was different from the others ( my sisters ) .
23 Calling them " temporary workers " merely made their situation clear to them from the start of their employment .
24 It would be heartless to deny her the pleasure of feeling that she is making a useful contribution to the preparation of meals , but it would be equally unkind not to make it clear to her from the beginning just who will be in charge and wearing the chef 's hat !
25 Now , it 's not clear to me at the moment that that is going to be the direction , say , of the Roman Catholic Church , because we seem to have a much more conservative Pope and there are conservative movements growing up in all the churches , you 've only got to look at Reagan 's America and the way you find counterparts to that kind of religious conservatism in all the European countries .
26 It was clear to us from the beginning that 1991 would not be a very good year to launch anything — from magazines to Scuds .
27 It should have been made quite clear to you from the beginning that MI5 's word on this would be final . ’
28 His exact instructions would be fed direct to him through the disc-jockey on Voice of America .
29 But manufacturers can sometimes move the goal posts to suit their own ends — or perhaps they were oblivious to them from the start .
30 As a small boy I recall a very old gamekeeper ( at least , he seemed old to me at the time ) talking of gypsies having tame stoats in captivity .
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