Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [art] same way [subord] " in BNC.

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1 would be unwise for us in analysing our 1983 data to treat the unemployed in the same way as in 1972 without at least considering whether this might not seriously distort our results ; more specifically , it would seem important to examine what effect it would have on he 1983 mobility [ results ] if unemployment , or at all events long-term unemployment , were itself regarded as a mobility ‘ status ’ or outcome .
2 It used to be acceptable in the same way as incest .
3 But it may be additional in the same way as the government argues EEC money to the North is — that is , they argue that they plan their spending in the expectation that they will get the EEC money and would plan differently if they did not expect to get it .
4 The idea of freedom which lies behind this kind of demand is confused in the same way as the idea of equality which calls for standardisation .
5 To maintain that the content of literature is part of a system of signs with a structure of its own , independent of the ‘ real ’ world , is clearly to maintain that it is in theory analyzable in the same way as its language ; but in practice a ready-made set of conceptual tools is simply not available .
6 Its affinity for the opiate receptor means , however , that it could be addictive in the same way as morphine .
7 If the power is exercised , the proceeds are applicable in the same way as the proceeds of a sale ordered by the court , and the mortgagor will remain liable to pay any deficiency .
8 The method is not statistically valid , but is viable in the same way as quota sampling , in that it may be based on objective proportions .
9 The pride of British engineering going bust in the same way as an ‘ under the arches ’ car body firm .
10 If , however , we accept that the effects of non-reinforced exposure can become context-dependent in the same way as associative learning itself can , then the entire pattern of results can be accommodated .
11 Rejecting a checkerboard solution seems perverse in the same way when the alternative will be the general triumph of the principle we oppose .
12 This states that , where a player commits an act of foul play which has not been detected by the match officials , that player 's union has the discretion to cite that player to show cause why he should not be held accountable in the same way as a player who has been ordered off the field of play .
13 Nevertheless , one has one reservation about making housing associations the main vehicle for the provision of social housing : a housing association is not accountable in the same way as a local authority to the people for whom it is making the provision — that is , of course , in those areas where local authorities have a housing function .
14 The curriculum on emergency management , designed for all pre-university students , advances the idea that nuclear devastation is manageable in the same way as fires , earthquakes and floods .
15 Section 309(2) provides that the duty is owed ‘ to the company ( and the company alone ) and is enforceable in the same way as any other fiduciary duty owed to a company by its directors ’ .
16 However , because conjunctions and disjuncts are not part of the propositional content of the message , they are not considered thematic in the same way as the main clause elements subject , predicator , object , complement and adjunct .
17 It was Lavandera who suggested that the concept of the linguistic variable could not usefully be applied to the analysis of syntactic variation because variants of so-called ‘ syntactic variables ’ were not semantically equivalent in the same way as phonological variables .
18 But even these figures can be misleading in the same way as would a statistic relating risk of lung cancer as a percentage of all smokers .
19 Just as important as the specific commitment is the general recognition that older people have potential in the same way as the rest of the population , and that this should be given the chance to develop .
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