Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun sg] where [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Otherwise we are back to that old hypocritical state where the game is amateur in name only .
2 In particular , perceptual awareness , and so consciousness itself , is identified with certain events taking place in the higher reaches of the central nervous system where a chain of events , collectively described as sensory processing , and originating from the object that is perceived , reaches a terminus .
3 The picture about paid work must be set alongside that of the unpaid domestic work where the ratio of woman to man hours is reversed .
4 COLCHESTER played host to 24 clubs for the annual under-14 tournament where the trophy at stake was a new one .
5 Seaweed or other dressing might be applied in this central raised area where the crop is planted , and the trenches provide drainage .
6 You need an awful lot of persuading to get doctors to start to use a new medicine and a classic example was of the treatment of depression , where the pharmaceutical manufacturers started to produce tablets which were very effective in stopping depression , not just feeling a bit blue but actual serious clinical depression where the person 's sat in the corner and stared at the wall and did nothing — I mean really serious depression — doctors took a long time to realize that there was an effective treatment for that and to start to prescribe it , and in fact actually doctors in Britain are rather good in that we prescribe many more effective treatments for depression , we diagnose it more often , and this we believe in our office that this is one of the reasons why the suicide rate has gone down in Britain quite dramatically in the last few years , because depression , which is obviously one of the main causes of suicide , is being effectively treated .
7 Between the gate and the decorated central room where the wedding ceremony would take place a ritually clean white cloth had been laid on the ground and the visitors walked on this once they were past the gate .
8 James Menzies and the McLaggans , riding on horses , led the rest away on the long climb of the hill to Dunskiag , a gaunt treeless place where the owner lived without a woman and three great staghounds with long coarse hair slavered to get at them , wrenching their chains .
9 Yes , it was rather apt , and going into the cold little room where the piano stood , I played it over — stiffly , and with many mistakes — the words , nevertheless , bringing their own gloomy comfort .
10 This contrast with the previous medieval/religious paradigm where the purpose of life was the salvation of the soul and man had no need to understand the physical universe , only to celebrate it as God 's creation .
11 The crossing is situated on a very busy dual carriageway where the speed limit is forty miles an hour and I would point th point out this literature which says that at forty miles an hour , if children are knocked into , most children are killed .
12 ( This is a particular case of the general linear transformation where the matrix consists of constant terms . )
13 Mark passed through a security screen to make his way to the impressive central lobby where the Chairman of the Committee was already waiting to receive him .
14 Thus the AD function is simply a collapsed form of the familiar IS-LM diagram where the price level is not taken as constant but is allowed to vary .
15 The former is the only feasible method where the farm stock is primarily sheep while the latter can be used where cattle and sheep are both present in reasonable proportions .
16 Subodh Kant Sahay , Minister of State for Home Affairs , in a statement on Jan. 2 to the Indian parliament announced that 890 people had been killed and nearly 4,000 injured in 15 weeks of Hindu-Moslem riots triggered by Hindu agitation around the disputed sacred site where a mosque currently stood in Ayodhya , Uttar Pradesh .
17 The plan which the Governors had in mind — which was carried out with great success — was to demolish this house , build the first phase of the new Junior School where the house had stood , and finally to demolish the then Junior School and replace it with the second phase .
18 On a night when he had been told that the round green hill where the son was kept would be open he went there protected with a bible , a dirk and a crowing cock and brought him home .
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