Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun sg] [adv] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One of the bonuses of being Magazine Editor is that you get a three minute Pastoral visit once a month .
2 Free activities : The local tourist offices provide a free guided walk once a week .
3 Ruth Baird continues to teach a strong Edinburgh class but as a result of her unplanned and completely unsponsored double somersault down a highland waterfall , Muriel Jessop had to have an operation to deal with a torn cartilage and frayed ligaments in her knee .
4 Soak your nails in warm olive oil once a week to keep them in good condition .
5 In particular , perceptual awareness , and so consciousness itself , is identified with certain events taking place in the higher reaches of the central nervous system where a chain of events , collectively described as sensory processing , and originating from the object that is perceived , reaches a terminus .
6 If you can catch a case in the early viral phase then a shot of hyperimmune serum is curative , but people rarely bring their dogs in until that phase is over .
7 There was a cousin of the Westwards in England who would take the child , someone who would arrange Roman Catholic instruction once a week .
8 I looked down and saw a giant freshwater prawn almost a foot long .
9 We are able to calculate the population for the late 17th century when a census was taken throughout Kent to enumerate the various religious bodies i.e. the number of Conformists , Catholics and Nonconformists , the return for Hailing showing 60 Conformists , no Catholics or Nonconformists , so allowing this figure was for adults only and allowing an average of 40 children for 60 adults this gives us a total of 100 .
10 I was unable to find any legal basis under current English law whereby a psychiatrist might give consent ( or otherwise ) for a patient to have an invasive surgical procedure .
11 As I write this the survivors are eight days old , and being fed Brineshrimp once a day , and powdered flake or powdered High Protein once a day .
12 The man had had a full medical check-up only a month before .
13 In an analysis of camera angles Rich demonstrated that despite its ostensible anti-porn content Not a Love Story in fact reproduced the voyeuristic position which lends pornography its appeal .
14 They are offered an initial hour-long session when a counsellor assesses their needs .
15 In Britain the revelation that the correspondence of Mazzini , the Italian nationalist leader then a refugee in London , was being opened and read in this way produced strong criticism in parliament and the press .
16 Unscrew the spray arms and flush under hot running water once a week .
17 Subodh Kant Sahay , Minister of State for Home Affairs , in a statement on Jan. 2 to the Indian parliament announced that 890 people had been killed and nearly 4,000 injured in 15 weeks of Hindu-Moslem riots triggered by Hindu agitation around the disputed sacred site where a mosque currently stood in Ayodhya , Uttar Pradesh .
18 On the back of a disastrous run which has undermined their Premier League title hopes , the club is once again embroiled in a controversial disciplinary affair just a week after an alleged confrontation involving an Arsenal player in a nightclub .
19 meeting with the Education Department and Senior English Inspector once a year to account ( financially ) for what we are doing and to try to bargain for what we might get next year …
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