Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The lower route passes through the wide quite valley of Scandale along a broad enclosed trackway leading to Scandale Pass .
2 Although this chapter can only look at national-level data , indicators of acute housing shortage are much more evident in certain areas such as London since the geographical distribution of housing does not match the availability of employment and the location of places in which people want to live , and regional differential price rises in houses exacerbate this problem .
3 The authority took the view that J 's difficulties did not preclude him from following ‘ a normal mainstream curriculum suited to pupils of his age ’ .
4 These results support the hypothesis that complications in Barrett 's columnar lined lower oesophagus develop in association with increased exposure of the oesophagus to an alkaline environment which appears to be secondary to duodenogastric reflux .
5 In spite of this , Tsarism collapsed in the face of relatively weak political pressure localised to Petrograd and supported by spontaneous popular protest and strikes caused by food shortages and the long war .
6 And the triple classic winner flew across Newmarket Heath so fast that Clive is brimming with confidence that she can stay unbeaten next Sunday .
7 Part of Lord Wilson 's legacy will include a phalanx of sinologists , plus a strong administrative team headed by Sir David Ford , the Chief Secretary .
8 We were soon alongside the small vessel as she pitched uncomfortably in the short Channel seas at about six knots , and we requested her in our usual polite manner to divert into Folkestone for a customs examination .
9 From a distance , the tall dark-haired man watched with disbelief , his handsome green eyes following Beth 's every step .
10 In advancing legal arguments and in taking direct political action those active in the peace movement can be reinforced by the knowledge that the hesitant political support given by others to the policies of nuclear deterrence is underpinned only by the belief that their leaders genuinely desire peace and disarmament .
11 Until recently there was no specific European legislation to deal with mergers .
12 In the past ministers have been charged with failing to refer mergers which might have been politically sensitive , despite claims that a strong economic case existed for referral .
13 Chromatographic analysis of the postprandial serum from the six patients indicated that G17 and G34 comprised more than 90% of the total immunoreactive gastrin detected by antisera R98 both before and after eradication of H pylori ( Fig 4 ) ( Table ) .
14 In contrast , the 20 minute postprandial total immunoreactive gastrin consisted of 72% G17 in the presence of H pylori and 52% G17 after eradication .
15 The sole outstanding feature comes in Richard Suart 's scintillating interpretation of the two chief comic roles .
16 Under the Al-Yamamah economic offset programme agreed in November 1988 [ see p. 36952 ] , BAe and Dowty Defence and Air Systems signed on Dec. 13 , 1989 , an agreement to establish a missile engineering plant in Saudi Arabia to repair and overhaul equipment .
17 It should really help sell this strong historical romance set in America and Norfolk with a moving story of a young heroine and an older man .
18 Recruits to the rebel cause were also thought to include students and survivors of the failed 1985 uprising led by Brig.
19 ‘ Obsessional neuroses relate to a repressed sexual act performed with pleasure during childhood . ’
20 As such it provided further evidence of a more flexible North Korean foreign policy arising in response to the momentous changes in Eastern Europe , and to South Korea 's recent successes in establishing relations with socialist countries .
21 When Wicked Willie explains to his Man that ‘ it 's no good , I do n't fancy Caroline and I never will ’ , he means that in spite of Man 's liking and respect for the girl , and even her physical attractiveness , there is n't that subtle sexual aroma exuded by pheromones .
22 A 27-YEAR-OLD British woman charged with heroin smuggling in Thailand yesterday said she would plead guilty .
23 For example , the Department of Education has circulated local education authorities with technical scientific advice to beware of roofs containing a certain kind of cement in schools built in the 1950s .
24 Travelling on to China , the Saudi Foreign Minister said on Sept. 20 that the Chinese had now expressed " full support " for measures taken by Saudi Arabia to defend itself ( whereas previously the Chinese had been critical of the deployment of US and other Western forces there ) .
25 It continues as an usual inland resort set in woodland of silver birches , rhododendrons and conifers .
26 The Economic Community of West African States ( ECOWAS ) , which in August had sent a regional peace-keeping force known as ECOMOG , in November sponsored the formation of an interim government headed by Sawyer , a former opposition leader .
27 That is not what the right hon. Gentleman said to Walden .
28 Moreover , the right hon. Gentleman said in terms that neither Iraq nor Argentina was in any way deterred from attacking British interests by reason of our possession of a nuclear weapon .
29 I am not precisely sure that I know what the right hon. Gentleman had in mind on sentencing policy , but I am happy to engage in exchanges outside .
30 One must ask whether , in those circumstances , if a regional policy of the kind that the right hon. Gentleman had in mind were in place Kent would be a prime recipient of assistance .
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