Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] quite [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Vologsky kept his face grave , but the surging relief inside him made it impossible to inject quite the right note of abject apology into his voice .
2 Some of the poor made quite a good living from these services and one can imagine an efficient ‘ bush telegraph ’ system to alert others of forthcoming requiems .
3 Whilst we 're able to implement quite a considerable proportion of the er , objectives without any financial commitment , this particular er , issue does erm , provide us with a considerable test , and members need to know that in order to achieve the move from residential care to community care , we would have to have some ring-fence monies to be able , to enable that shift to , to take place , before the erm , the budget could be reduced on the residential side .
4 SATURDAY 'S Charity Open at Prehen in aid of the Waterside Churches Trust Ltd attracted quite a large field of competitors .
5 Indeed and I think the er the point about Eurofighter is that it 's a very flexible er aircraft , it 's a multi-role aircraft , it 's a cost effective aircraft and therefore it er , as you say , may well be able to cover quite a large spectrum .
6 With hindsight , it is difficult to see quite the radical innovation variable analysis proved to be in social research .
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