Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] that [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Tony Benn is right to be dismayed at the talk of ‘ firework displays bigger than the Fourth of July ’ , but he 's wrong to deny that on some level this is what war has become .
2 As this medical view is based fundamentally on the gender identity and self-image of the transsexual , he implies that the law is prepared to concede that in most circumstances sex determination is a matter for the individual .
3 It is probably patronising to say that in both cases the window dressing is up to Kensington standards , but it is .
4 The invention of printing in the fifteenth century steadily did away with the need for handwritten books , and it is interesting to note that from that time onwards various styles of calligraphy developed for different purposes .
5 Mr McArdle wrote : ‘ It is sad to report that in this case the behaviour of the Daily Mirror and its staff did not contribute in any way to the detection of crime .
6 People do leave something of themselves behind in the houses they 've lived in , the Japanese recognize that in some way , I do n't know how .
7 To put it differently , if spatiotemporal relations are to be appealed to in support of the thesis that there can be numerically , not just qualitatively , distinguishable ontological existents , it is necessary , in the first place , to clarify the conditions under which such relations can be significantly claimed to reflect the structure of an objective world , and in trying to do so we are likely to find that in some form or other we need to assume what such relations are supposed to explain .
8 We asked after Pop and were glad to hear that at that time he was still well .
9 As Larry Lytle , the main spokesman for USL puts it : ‘ USL understands that it is naive to believe that in any merger nothing changes .
10 The first two types of educational computing in the list above are at the moment basically the province of such departments — but it is good to know that in many schools and colleges there are strong links with mathematics .
11 This substitute would most likely have been an animal , and it is reasonable to assume that by this time animals were , to some extent at least , tamed if not domesticated .
12 It would be reasonable to suppose that at this latitude the islands would be frozen in for most — if not all — of the year , and so they would , were it not for the Gulf Stream .
13 However , it is important to observe that in many symphonics and in a good deal of chamber music a different situation prevails .
14 Finally it is safe to predict that in any catalogue there will be more information than art criticism .
15 It is safe to conclude that at any stage of this planet 's history the world of bacteria has been overwhelmingly conditioned by the state of the biosphere .
16 One of the dangers of majoritarianism is that majorities are always apt to forget that in another context they might constitute a minority .
17 Fifty years later , everything looked different , but this was the situation which Lanfranc faced , and which Anselm inherited , and it is important to recognize that in these circumstances the primacy represented a practical instrument of unity .
18 It would certainly be unwise to argue that in this respect there has been any fundamental change in personnel practices in recent years .
19 Although it is usually true that if the interests of the covenantee and the covenantor are satisfied then so is the public interest , it is important to realise that in some cases the courts have chosen to examine the restraint primarily from the point of view of the public interest rather than from that of the parties .
20 Accordingly I ought to be able to say that at this stage his comments seem to me beside the point , or more exactly in excess of it .
21 So it 's important to notice that in many species and certainly in ours , although males need not as you say make any contribution apart from their genes in principle , in fact males are heavy investors in offspring , albeit indirectly , so that must be important must n't it and that must
22 With what degree of innovation this entire process took place it may be difficult to judge in retrospect , but it is important to note that to many observers at the time the very act of establishing the CNAA and its institutions firmly in the picture of higher education was a major innovation , apart from any judgments about the specifics of the CNAA 's activities .
23 The validity of such first destination statistics as a general measure of graduate employment will be discussed in Chapter 3 , and it is important to note that in this case they did not cover the colleges/institutes of higher education , which produce significant numbers of ‘ arts ’ graduates who have relatively high unemployment rates .
24 It is important to note that in any case this question of the essence of religion is to be debated by pupils , not assumed for them .
25 The RNLI is pleased to acknowledge that in all material respects the hull form of all boats of the Arun class have been built to the lines drawn by Mr McLachlan .
26 It is now difficult to imagine that at this time virtually all the academic departments were based in the Trent Building
27 The second , which has only one complete sentence out of six units bounded by full stops , very clearly does make sense ( at least it seems fair to predict that for most people it will ) .
28 It is , in fact , relatively obvious and uncontentious to argue that in some societies or sub-cultures the distinction between ‘ objective ’ and ‘ context-dependent ’ is more consciously drawn and given more weight than in others ( cf.
29 While it is an oversimplification to view the first decade of operation as some kind of golden age , it is fair to say that until this point the EEC had worked fairly smoothly .
30 It would be nice to write that despite these lapses of judgment , not to mention the occasional maladministration , investors and other stakeholders in business do not have to worry because of the safety superstructure which has been built since .
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