Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [been] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For convenience , the reciprocal has been multiplied by 103 ; we work to six decimal places on the left , three on the right .
2 The fifteen year old has been charged with aggravated vehicle taking and a seventeen year old is being questioned by police .
3 In the UK since October 1982 , the number of people unemployed has been measured for official purposes as the number of ‘ people claiming benefit ( that is , unemployment benefit , supplementary benefits or national insurance credits ) at Unemployment Benefit Offices on the day of the monthly count , who on that day were unemployed and able and willing to do any suitable work ’ .
4 But the Treasury issued a counter-statement saying that nothing improper had been asked of civil servants by ministers .
5 Old problems of contacts breaking or the case deteriorating have been rectified on most models .
6 There should be a close dialogue between the GMC and the royal colleges to ensure that procedures which are potentially harmful have been validated by careful placebo controlled clinical trials using generally accepted procedures .
7 Perhaps the GMC and the royal colleges should ‘ ensure that procedures which are potentially harmful have been validated by careful placebo controlled clinical trials . ’
8 In other words , the British have been compelled by financial limitations to concentrate much of their attention on co-operation , on neighbourhood resources , and on the person-to-person aspects of support work , but this is a valuable area to develop .
9 Over the last decade , benefits for the unemployed have been cut in some 50 different ways so that the living standards of those out of work have fallen even further behind those of other citizens . ’
10 An eighteen year old 's been convicted of violent disorder after his victim identified him in the street .
11 … a person who has been fortunate to have been connected with Guiding for the past 18 years .
12 Such mutual respect , of course , is one of the fundamental elements of high morale , dependability and efficiency , and I count myself fortunate to have been associated with such people for over a quarter of a century .
13 The PVO increased its show of strength , choosing as a special focus the little town of Tantabin , 40 miles from Rangoon , where the first BNA action against the Japanese had been staged in 1945 .
14 RE must endeavour to revive the natural awareness and sensitivity which most likely has been lost by middle junior school , and apply this recovered awareness to the religious vocabulary which pupils need to understand in order to make sense of religion .
15 The idea of having the person attaching the cable ask if the airbrakes are closed and locked has been introduced in some clubs to try and prevent incidents where pilots take off with their airbrakes unlocked .
16 He was lucky to have been born in this particular tribe .
17 By contrast the rare finds of silver objects from Bronze Age Europe , notably those from Sardinia , north Italy and the el Argar culture in southern Spain , are likely to have been made from local occurrences of native metals or ores .
18 The bulk of those who remain interested in UFOs seem less likely to have been motivated by personal experience and are more willing to undergo the reappraisal needed to rationalise their approach .
19 Trends in infections likely to have been transmitted by unprotected sexual intercourse between men were analysed for indications of changes in sexual behaviour .
20 Apart from the obvious point that it fails to produce uniformity its principal defect is that it leads to the application of a particular national law which is likely to have been devised for domestic transactions and may well be ill-suited to those which are international in character .
21 However , it does suggest that the patient 's distress beforehand was more likely to have been related to environmental stresses than an endogenous illness .
22 This hematite is most likely to have been formed during synkinematic circulation of moderate temperature ( 600°C ) magmatic fluids .
23 Therefore the aircraft is most likely to have been hit by heavy machine-gun fire , which , unless it hit a vital spot such as fuel tanks or engines , would not cause the immediate destruction of the aircraft , but could kill or disable the pilot .
24 Dialectology in its traditional form is therefore principally interested in geographical differences ; its best-known data-gathering technique has been to send researchers ( usually called ‘ field-workers ’ ) mainly into rural areas ( where the speakers were believed to be less likely to have been influenced by other accents ) , to find elderly speakers ( whose speech was believed to have been less influenced by other accents and to preserve older forms of the dialect ) and to use lists of questions to find information about vocabulary and pronunciation , the questions being chosen to concentrate on items known to vary a lot from region to region .
25 This is likely to have been followed by another battle near the Forest of Dean , for Edmund had an alliance with some of the Welsh , but by now both sides were doubtless exhausted , and winter was approaching .
26 Furthermore , such migrated oil is likely to have been displaced by subsequent migrating gas .
27 How many craters greater than 1 km diameter are likely to have been produced on 10 6 square kilometres on the lunar surface between 2000 Ma and 1000 Ma ago ?
28 Modern biblical scholars concur that among the most historically plausible incidents in the Gospels , among the incidents least likely to have been invented by later writers and editors , is Jesus 's baptism in the Jordan by John .
29 Eadberht abdicated of his own accord in 758 , handing the kingdom over to his son , Oswulf , and becoming a cleric at York ( where he died in 768 ) , but Oswulf was killed within the year by his own household in 759 near the unidentified settlement of Methel Wongtun and replaced by Aethelwald Moll , who is likely to have been associated with those who were responsible for Oswulf 's murder ; nor did Eadberht 's descendants recover royal power for twenty years .
30 This form , which is also found in ASL , is likely to have been borrowed by other sign languages from ASL .
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