Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [noun sg] to [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I was struck by the fact that no one referred to how enjoyable it is to drink alcohol and that no one mentioned that in our culture it is absolutely normal to consume alcohol to excess on some occasions and that most people will have experienced the effects of over-indulgence at some time .
2 Patterns of victimization vary : females are more likely to fall victim to violence in their homes ; whilst males are more likely to fall victim to violence in a ‘ road , street or park ’ , or in a place of recreation .
3 Patterns of victimization vary : females are more likely to fall victim to violence in their homes ; whilst males are more likely to fall victim to violence in a ‘ road , street or park ’ , or in a place of recreation .
4 It is imperative to meet face to face with the client and to visit the company to be valued to get a ‘ feel ’ for the business .
5 He swung himself nimbly over the fence and was disconcerted to come face to face with Henry Yaxlee , walking purposefully from the direction of the school .
6 Normally a modest stream , it occasionally becomes a torrent after a downpour and , when held up by a high tide-can give rise to flooding in the lower part of the town as , spectacularly , in 1914 and 1935 .
7 Paragraph ( b ) , however , is likely to give rise to difficulty with its concept of ‘ abnormal ’ characteristics , if only because it may be so difficult to determine the ‘ normal ’ characteristics of a species .
8 And striker Geoff Ferris is likely to put pen to paper for 12 months .
9 ‘ I understand how you feel , but I think it would do your sister the world of good to come face to face with reality for once . ’
10 In the future it may be possible to convert water to hydrogen on a large scale by electrolysis , for example .
11 Jenny was curiously reluctant to come face to face with this intruder whoever it was .
12 Placement may assist in pulling together the framework and coherent objectives for partnerships ; can explore how other organisations may be used ; is able to secure commitment to growth by partners through direct experience of one another ; establishes communications between the various partners ; may be used to identify who should be involved and at what levels ; provides a regular data and information flow through its exchange mechanism ; may indicate for the local area the support available from national employers that may be utilised at the local level ; constructs environments where introductions are purposeful between the partners and can adopt an incremental approach to partnership activity .
13 He is able to talk man to man with the Chartist delegates , in the confidence that his family has worked through many generations for the common good — building churches and bridges , making roads , digging mines , planting trees , and draining marshland .
14 Most Japanese companies are also accustomed to being able to talk face to face with suppliers and it is the usual way of conducting business in Japan .
15 There is also a particular difficulty with care for the unemployed ; not only is the research team unable to use return to work as an end point , but the patient also does not have it as an objective and he has therefore nothing to aim at .
16 The Community Social Charter declares that workers must be able to have access to training throughout their working lives .
17 International copyright arrangements institutionalise peripherality and make it more expensive to obtain access to knowledge of all kinds .
18 More importantly , it is essential to make statutory provision for a framework of public audit in this country sufficient to ensure accountability to Parliament for the wider range of public expenditure now and in the future .
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